Life Style

when your home becomes // rocks & stones

November 22, 2010




Lately I’ve been signing into Blogger with every intention of posting. I stare at the blank post and my fingers freeze up. I feel pressure and overwhelmed. My eyes start to wander and I’m suddenly bored. I try other people’s blogs for inspiration. I reference my list of blog post ideas. Nothing. I take outfit photos that I don’t like. You could say that I have been in a blogging slump. But you know what? Sometimes that’s okay. I’d much rather write nothing than something forced and unnatural.

Kendi wrote a great post today about being yourself. I feel greatly inspired by her words, as I think in the world of social networking it’s so easy to compare yourself. This Facebook friend has the perfect life, this Twitterer (Tweeter?) has the funniest tweets, this blogger has the best outfits. The ironic part is their online perfection doesn’t always translate in real life. And as Kendi points out, the more you compare yourself to others, the more you’re steering away from your own path.

Here I am again to blog this week, as myself. So glad you’re all still here to read 🙂


Coat from Front & Co. // Purse from H&M // Sunnies from Barefoot Contessa // Scarf from Fine Finds


Yukon Blonde – Loyal Man

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  • Fashion By Night November 23, 2010 at 1:22 am

    what a cute post! i find the same thing happens to me when i try to post, but sometimes the best ones are the lil ones with a simple message. always be yourself 🙂

    xo Jessica

  • November 23, 2010 at 2:07 am

    happy you are back!! i've been checking your blog all this past week to see if you have updated!! 🙂 LOVE the chunky knit sweater/scarf with tall black boots. the perfect fall outfit!

  • Liz November 23, 2010 at 3:16 am

    I totally agree with you, just take a little blogging break and don't let it become a chore! Wasn't kendi's post great? I was seriously feeling down this week because of it, but sometimes the people that look good on paper or online don't really have it so perfect so why compare ourselves to an unrealistic standard?! Anyway, I chunky scarf 🙂

  • Dylana Suarez November 23, 2010 at 4:08 am

    Your scarf looks so wonderful!


  • jayde November 23, 2010 at 4:19 am

    i totally agree. with a bunchload of information and information it's hard to stay true to yourself, but as long as you have a great support system and you know yourself, you are good.
    cool purse:)
    i'm doing an lbd challenge, nothing biggie..but i'd be so happy if you wanna join in the fun!

  • Style Worthwhile November 23, 2010 at 6:03 am

    I often don't like my outfit pictures either, probably because my camera sucks 🙁

    I love your scarf! Keep updating 🙂


  • chellemorgan November 23, 2010 at 7:39 am

    You're so cute and personal it always makes my day. Whenever I get stuck I do an inspiration post of all the things I find lovely … it usually helps to get me out of a slump 🙂

    Xo Chelle

  • Ashes November 23, 2010 at 2:42 pm

    I've been in a blogging slump too. Sometimes I feel like the more blogs I read the less creative I become.

    btw- is that a dog in the trash can?

  • 20 York Street November 25, 2010 at 12:50 am

    How adorable! I guess it happens to the best of us!



  • Stephanie Sorensen November 27, 2010 at 11:01 am

    Love the creative! Vancouver is amazing.