I’m so excited to introduce you to our daughter, Lucy Ryan Winnett. Born on February 22nd, 2020 at 11:40 am, weighing 7 lbs 6 oz.
Lucy means ‘light’ and she certainly has been a bright light in our lives already. Her middle name is after her cousin Ryan who we know he would have adored her.
So far she’s a mini Adam and my heart can’t handle it. A full head of blonde hair and blue eyes! I never would have guessed. We’ve been enjoying these first days and navigating the newborn haze, but I wanted to share some photos from the hospital. For a newborn photoshoot, we opted for a ‘Fresh 48’ session with Mads form These Days Photo and I am SO glad we did! Such special memories that I know I’ll always treasure.
The full birth story is on the way soon! It’s tough to find time to write it all out with a baby on one arm LOL. For now, here we are as new parents with our little Lucy.

All photos by These Days Photo xo