
Weekend Spectacles

January 18, 2015


The Details // Photos by Jen
Sweater, Dex (old)
Denim, Mavi
Cream Blouse, 8th and Main
Scarf, Forever 21
Glasses, Bailey Nelson
Booties, Miz Mooz





To pass the time before a recent coffee date, I wandered into Bailey Nelson and impulse bought a ginormous pair of prescription glasses.  Some people add a pack of gum to their purchase, I invest in fashionable (AND functional) eyewear.  The purpose behind the purchase was to use up my benefits for last year, but also to congratulate myself on a new gig (I know, I seem to collect jobs like I do frames).  Since the 5th, I’m now teaching a social media course at a local college two days a week.  It has been really challenging in a great way and completely recharging. I know that it’s something that I genuinely enjoy because I now look forward to Monday mornings!  Definitely a sign that you love what you do and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the semester brings.

P.S. How much do you love a glimpse into the contents of my bag in the last photo?  That’s definitely a ton of random papers and a giant Mac power cord… #realtalk

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  • Vera January 18, 2015 at 10:25 pm

    You look adorable! I love your booties!!

  • Chioma January 20, 2015 at 4:03 am

    your hair looks really good and i love that scarf 🙂

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  • Elaine Day January 22, 2015 at 3:25 am

    Your sense of style is really good.

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  • libys11 January 22, 2015 at 3:30 am

    cute glasses!!! 😀

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  • Jessica Rebecca Psaila March 14, 2015 at 7:09 pm

    love this post and great glasses, I might have go invest in a pair! which exact name of frames are these as I can't see them on the site? xx