I had to come here to do laundry and apparently spend 4 hours doing nothing instead of homework. At least it’s only 7pm and there’s still hope that I’ll do some studying at some point. Clean clothes…I can’t wait!

I would this time like to pass on the award and mention some lovely blogs you should all be reading…

2. If you like fashion, I must warn you that Tieka’s blog Selective Potential is beyond addicting. It’s a combination of her fascinating Michigan life, her love for her husband Brett, and her amazing fashion sense. She’s totally relatable and her photographs are inspirational!
3. My co-worker Danielle started a project called 365 Outfits A Year in which she is photographing her outfit every day this year. The entire concept is really neat and it’s pretty fun for me because I photograph her a lot of the days at the design office. Feel free to go check it out and say hello.
4. If you enjoy reading stories of a 20 something girl who just happens to be one of my best friends, then you should subscribe to Kisekae Diary of a Doll. Her stories of dating, nursing, and random adventures are always entertaining and will definitely make you smile!
5. It seems that journalism students have the most captivating way of telling stories. Peach of The Peach Pit is so talented at writing, she always makes me laugh. I recommend her painfully truthful story ‘It’s Not Like Grey’s Anatomy At All’, it’s worth a minute to read!
Ugh, my stomach hurts, I think I ate too much stir fry. I’m sure it was smothered in butter too…Papa Quan insists on smothering everything in butter. “It’s good for you,” he says. One time I told him I wanted to start a healthy diet so he came home with an entire apple pie for me. I protested in confusion that I had JUST told him I wanted to eat healthier. He responded by explaining “It’s sugar free Alicia, and it has apples in it.”
Last night my brother, Adam, and I went to go see Norm Macdonald at Red Robinson Theatre. Red Robinson himself came out on stage to introduce him which was both weird and surprising. He tried to tell some lame lawyer jokes…it didn’t quite work out. Norm was a riot though and made me want to go to another comedy show asap! Perhaps in Oregon…are people in Oregon funny?
Local Natives-Warning Sign
Thanks for the great blog recommendations – and for mentioning me 🙂 Now following you on Twitter, btw —
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
McLoving the giant bold necklace!
Should I be offended that you didn't list my blog?
Cousins OFF.
aww thanks alicia!!! love the song recommendation! can't wait to go to the concert 🙂
Thanks girlies!
Melissa, you're silly! You know I love your blog!