
Same Shirt, Different Day

February 6, 2014


The Details //
Plaid Blouse, Top Shop
Oversize Blouse, WINNERS / similar
Faux Leather Pants, The Archetype /similar
Cobalt Blue Pumps, H&M / similar
Statement Necklace, J.Crew / similar
BCBG Clutch, Hudson’s Bay Co.
Red Lipstick, Revlon 
Black Nail Polish, Essie Licorice




My shopping habits have greatly changed in the last few years.  Instead of buying impulsively or to follow trends, I dress for my body shape and opt for quality over quantity.  This doesn’t mean that I always play it safe, but essentially, my goal is always to get the most out of each purchase.  The way my dad feels at a buffet, is the same way that I feel about my clothing; I have to get the most for my money.  This often means getting creative and thinking of styling options that are slightly outside of the box.  You might recognize this Top Shop number from this post and see that this time I layered it over top of another blouse.  Paired it with some bright pumps that bring out some colour in the plaid stripes and you really have a completely different look.  Man, I just love when that happens!

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  • TessRafferty February 6, 2014 at 7:18 pm

    This title made my morning. Also, those shoes. Swoon.

  • CodeOverdressed February 6, 2014 at 11:00 pm

    Such a cute outfit! Layering is a great way to get the most out of your closet and to push creative boundaries. Love the analogy between the buffet and your shopping habits, made me giggle!

    Cee. ♥
    Code Overdressed

  • Natasha xoxo February 7, 2014 at 6:01 am

    Quality over quantity…i have to keep reminding myself of this 😉

    xo, tasha
    twenty-something blog

  • Maggie Adofo February 7, 2014 at 7:42 am

    looove the necklace.

    Maggie A

  • Seeking Style February 8, 2014 at 1:15 am

    So pretty Alicia 🙂

    xo Jennifer

  • Andi of My Beautiful Adventures February 10, 2014 at 7:49 pm
