
my favorite photos of 2009

January 14, 2010

I guess it’s a little late to be recapping my photography skills of 09, but what the hell I’m crazy like that! The photo quality of my pictures greatly improved when I got a new Canon Powershot XS120 IS. Though I dream about owning a DSLR, this point and shoot has been treating me well in the meantime.

As always, click to enlarge…enjoy my lovelies 🙂

‘A Glimpse of Heaven’
Merritt, BC

‘The Student Life’ Cambridge, England

‘All That Remains’
Essex, England

‘Shakespeare’s Cliff’
Dover, England

‘Don’t Look Down’
Beer, England

‘Two Ships’

Beer, England
‘A Jane Austen Moment’
Beer, England

‘The Houses on The Hill’

Beer, England

‘Big Ben’

London, England


London, England

‘Peanut Butter and Jellyfish’

Vancouver Aquarium


Vancouver Aquarium
‘The Road Home’
Somewhere in Washington

‘To Be Boys Again’

Bowen Island, BC

‘Ice Cream Sky’

English Bay

‘As The Sun Sets’

English Bay

‘Still and Silent’

Merritt, BC


Merritt, BC
And the winner of my favorite photo of 2009 goes to…

‘Crash and Bird’

Cancun, Mexico

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  • Krista... January 14, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    i'd say that camera is treating you very well..or vice versa you are treating it well! these photos are amazing! so bright and vivid and they tell lovely stories!

  • Mike January 14, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    I wish I had my camera when I went to cancun. But alas, that was a pre-blog stardate.

  • Krista January 14, 2010 at 8:06 pm

    You have a great eye, you should set up a website and start selling these babies!

  • Alicia January 15, 2010 at 12:18 am

    I have never thought of selling them, that would be so amazing! Thanks Kristas…I'm so glad you like them!
    Mike, you need to be way more Asian and always be taking pictures!

  • Mike January 15, 2010 at 4:55 pm

    Hah, alicia I'm sure there's a bunch of photos somewhere in an album. but none of them are digital and I'd have to scan them in and they'd look crappy and not do Cancun any justice.

    Did you guys go to Senor Frog's while you were there?

  • Alicia January 15, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    scanned photos are hilarious! Sometimes I actually miss getting photos developed and not knowing what was even on the roll of film! When did you go to Cancun?
    No we didn't go to Senor Frogs, we went to The City instead because it was cheaper haha

  • Marlee January 15, 2010 at 9:30 pm

    These are all gorgeous Alicia! I still love all the ones from England, in particular the one with the bike. I want it on my wall.