A cheeky little Sunday brunch to celebrate the baby!
I know there are tons of Moms-to-be who wanted a Baby Shower and are missing out on celebrating because of lockdown. If you’re an expectant or new mom (or know one) who missed out on having a baby shower because of Covid-19, One Tough Mother is throwing a Virtual Baby Shower on June 2nd. Everyone gets one of her signature postpartum boxes, there are some amazing speakers lined up, over $1500 in door prizes, and funds will be raised for Mamas To Mamas. Tickets are $50 (this is an incredible deal) and they are only 10 spots left! If you happen to see this today, I am giving away a ticket to the baby shower that ends tomorrow, May 6th. Super easy to enter the giveaway, check out my Instagram for more!

To think, I’d opted not to have a Baby Shower at the beginning of this year (if only I’d known what the future state of the world would be). Adam and I didn’t want a ton of baby gifts in our apartment and with such big families and circles of friends, it wouldn’t have been a small gathering. We were way more into the idea of seeing loved ones after our baby girl arrived, even if it was more of a time commitment.
I wanted to do something small, so my friends ended up organizing a low-key brunch a few weeks before my due date. Now I am beyond thankful that we got together before everything went haywire. I never got around to posting about the brunch, so I just wanted to share a few photos and memories from the day.

The girls surprised me with a mobile spa service, which was such a brilliant idea! In the comfort of my friend Tessa’s home, everyone got a mani or pedi and they spoiled me with both. Ya girl needed it! My toes were in an especially sad state since I could no longer reach them LOL.
It was the perfect activity and going for an at-home service made it easy to be social. We all sipped coffee, had some breakfast, and caught up with each other while taking turns getting pampered by the Luxe Beauty Lounge team. It was casual and fun, exactly what I’d wanted. They know me so well!

No-fuss serve yourself brunch! Yogurt and non-dairy yogurt with an assortment of fresh fruit, granola and honey. Some baked goods, coffee, and lovely custom cookies. Simple and so delicious!

Thank you to my sweet friends and Mom for going above and beyond for me and Mini Winnie. I had the best time and as I mentioned, it’s even sweeter now that we haven’t been able to see each other in person in so long. Love you and miss you ladies xo