
mustard // mustard is made from mustard seeds

October 5, 2010

Hello from Starbucks aka the internet at home decided not to connect tonight. The ONE night this week that I planned a Skype date, a blog post, and photo uploading…all of which cannot be completed without the internets. BLAST!




Adam and I stayed out in the burbs this weekend to keep my brother company while my parents are away. I was looking through my old clothes there in search of something “new” (forgotten so more like new again) to wear. I stumbled upon a box of shoes and rediscovered my absolute FAVOURITE pair of shoes I’ve ever owned. This particular pair of shoes were found at a Yaletown boutique back in 2006 for $19 (on sale of course). They are the perfect height, just the right amount of vintage inspiration, and unbelievably comfortable. I had to retire them a few years ago because I wore them down so bad that the back of them are completely torn up. Unfortunately, I got wrapped up in happy shoe memories and decided to wear them out on Saturday night, despite their ragged appearance. And guess what? I actually got compliments on them!!! (but, keep in mind that I strategically placed myself against a wall all evening so no one would see the back of them :P) Seychelles are one of my favourite shoe brands, wearing them is like walking on a cloud and I’m so glad I was reminded of how great their footwear is. Note to self: go buy another pair of Seychelles!



Bobbi T-Shirt, Structured Bag, Earrings & Necklace from Plum // Mustard Cardigan from Winners // Mavi Serena Denim Leggings // White Seychelles Pumps


Adam calls those pieces of hair my long sideburns and it creeps me out. It creeps me out even more when he holds it up and pretends it’s a moustache. Do you think he’s not so subtly trying to tell me to get rid of them? Haha…



I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. It looks like Fall has finally arrived in Vancouver…get out there and enjoy it!

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  • Shaz October 5, 2010 at 3:03 am

    I have those too, though shorter.
    I call them anime ear bangs, because I rarely find a character in an anime that doesn't have crazy thick pieces of hair right in front of their ears.

  • curls-and-pearls October 5, 2010 at 3:06 am

    You guys are so cute 🙂 I really like your cardigan, I need something mustard colour in my wardrobe!

  • Best Foot Forward October 5, 2010 at 3:06 am

    You look especially pretty in these pictures 🙂 I may have to take your advice and go buy myself some Seychelles..I'm always on the lookout for shoes that are both stylish and comfortable!

  • Anonymous October 5, 2010 at 4:20 am

    alicia, you are beautiful. BEAUTIFUL! i'm green with envy. & together, you and adam are the epitome of a cute couple. GAH! hahaha love it, just had to comment.

  • Liz October 5, 2010 at 5:54 am

    You two are so adorable! And that color looks superb on you 🙂
    guess what? It's fall in my Vancouver too, time to bring out the layers!

  • Alicia October 5, 2010 at 5:14 pm

    @Shaz ANIME EAR BANGS! I love it…I will just have to use that name too!

    @curls-and-pearls thanks! Yeah I JUST got the cardi at Winners so it is probably still there…mustard is definitely essential!

    @Best Foot Forward thank you, I think it's the eyelashes and my new tinted moisturizer haha Yeah Seychelles rock!

    @Anyonymous thank you sooo much, but I don't know who you are LOL I assume a friend of mine…

    @Liz thanks and YAY for Fall in our Vancouvers 🙂

  • Shannon October 5, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    I have to say I am certainly jealous of you. Why?
    Because in ALL your photos you seem to have perfect hair…

    *shakes fist* 😛

  • NoGuiltFashion October 5, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    Your pictures are fantastic. I love your casual, relaxed look. You still look put together.

  • lisa October 5, 2010 at 10:29 pm

    You and Adam look so cute together. 🙂 Love the mustard cardigan (perfect jolt of colour) and the Seychelles shoes. I try not to let favourite shoes get worn down too badly because it does break my heart. My cobbler does wonders with soles and heels when my shoes need CPR lol.

  • Kate October 5, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    Oh my goodness, you look adorable! Mustard is such a good color on you! I love the color, but my skin tone generally does not! & Seychelles are great… I have my eye on their "Hawk"…or on Steve Madden's Annton… very similar, and I can't decide which I like better, or if it's just a bad life choice all together! Anyway! Sidetracked! My point was how cute you look! I really love your bag, too!

  • Ashelle October 6, 2010 at 1:55 am

    The mustard colour looks great on you! I think I'll need to shop for something of that colour since I have too much grey and black. It's great that u found a great pair of old shoes. I love rumaging through old clothes.

  • Marlee October 6, 2010 at 4:07 am

    I wish I could pull off the colours that you wear! You look amazing as per usual! <3

  • Krista... October 6, 2010 at 5:22 am

    ok, i had a discussion with kate today about you. she loves you just as much as i do. we love your style and how you just make clothes look so good.

    keep being amazing!! your style and attitude are inspiring.

  • 20 York Street October 6, 2010 at 7:23 pm

    I love love the mustard cardi! I have been looking for one since last year and no go!

    p.s. I just announced the free give-away tickets to the Ottawa Fashion Week, maybe you can come down to O-Town?


    Win a pair of FREE tickets to the Ottawa Fashion Week at:


  • Melissa October 6, 2010 at 7:42 pm

    You have the nicest colours of cardigans ever. EVER.

    You look great in these pics!

  • Samantha October 7, 2010 at 3:51 am

    Haha I like the little side pieces of hair! I have them too.. I love this's so simple and effortlessly chic!


  • ~Chelsea October 7, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    love your outfit- the mustard yellow lots great on you! i found your blog through le mode du jour: i love finding fellow Canadian style bloggers!

  • samanthaloves October 8, 2010 at 8:43 am

    You and your man are too cute 🙂
    I love the colour of mustard-yellow for fall. I know some are totally put off by it but I really like it!