Honestly, Florence put on the best show of my entire life (and I’ve probably been to 50+ concerts). She has an even better voice than her cd lets on, if that’s even humanly possible. At 23 years old, she looks like she has more performing experience than many of the other artists I’ve seen live. She played most of her Lungs album, and with just the right amount of change to make them exciting all over again. Florence spoke about how she got her hair done in Vancouver and ate some sushi (which I have on a video that I’m too tired to upload right now) and had a lot of crowd involvement. At one point she had all of the Commodore Ballroom jumping up and down dancing around just like her. Then 10 minutes later, when I thought it was impossible she could be any cooler, she went crowd surfing.
Here is a little taste of the amazingness that is Florence + The Machine, with a video of the end of her song ‘Drumming’. This was one of my favorite moments of the concert because I obviously LOVE this song, but she rocks out at the very end and kills it.
If you ever pass up the opportunity to see Florence perform live, I might have to punch you in the face. And if you don’t know her music yet, then go to YouTube RIGHT now and preview some of her songs. SHE IS THAT GOOD xx
Florence + The Machine-Drumming Song
Wow I love her music she looks larger than life!
Possibly the best night of my life. I am still speechless about how amazing it was. Did you read the review she got in the straight? Can't wait to see the other videos! Someone posted a good one of her singing a bit of Howl