Looking at 2012, the year of discovery.
This year, I rebuilt. I spent the time asking questions and reflecting. I played up my strengths and identified my weaknesses. I took risks, and seized the right opportunities. I re-gained confidence in myself and my work. This year has been one big, crazy adventure and I have savoured every single moment of it.
About 2013, the year of growth.
The hardest part is over. I shifted my priorities and slowly but surely, I became an entrepreneur. My leap of faith paid off. This new year, however, is just full of potential both personally and professionally. It’s time to gather up my thoughts and ideas, and continue to build my business with an expanding team of talented people, who continue to inspire me. I will take better care of myself and find more of a balance.
It’s time to flourish; let’s do this, 2013!
wish you a happy new year too
Happy New Year! It's so great how focused you are and you know what to do. Wishing you all the best and here's hoping all your aspirations come true and into being.
Happy new year lovely!
It's been such a wonderful year following your blog. Hoping 2013 will be another exciting year with you.
Happy new year Alicia! Your blog continues to inspire me! xoxo
Congratulations with all that you've accomplished in the past year and good luck with all that you have planned for this year!
Happy New Year 🙂
Happy 2013!
xo Jennifer
I'm with you on this one! Bring it on 2013! Best of luck and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Alicia! Wish you all the luck and Happiness in the world for 2013, thank you for all the inspiration your blog brings!
Jen xx
All the best to you in 2013, Alicia!
Happy New Year Alicia! I wish you love, luck, and lots of success with your new business and projects.
You inspire with your courage and for your boldness in stepping out of your comfort zone in 2012… I'm so glad to read that it paid off and that you learned a lot. Here's to an even better 2013; so excited to see what it's going to bring for Capital Q, your blog and of course The Style Common 🙂
Also, hope you're having a blast in Mexico!!
Congratulations on such a fantastic year! Wishing you all the best in 2013 – and I look forward to following your adventures!
Kate xo petite-adventures.blogspot.ca
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