We were at a McDonald’s Canucks breakfast event. I’m estimating 1991-ish, so I’d be around 5 years old. We walked around all morning taking pictures with these giant men who I vaguely recognized as Vancouver Canucks players. I was pretty young, so I doubt I grasped the concept of meeting the players that I’d seen on tv. After several meet and greets and line ups, I remember finally being able to sit down to eat breakfast. I was such a happy little girl with a big plate of hotcakes in front of me. I could barely even pick up my fork before Papa Quan came barrelling over, grabbing my hand and insisting I HAD to follow him.
My dad dragged me over to some guy who spoke to me in a thick accent and signed his name on a poster. Another guy shoved a camera in our faces and I did what any confused 5 year old taken away from her yummy pancakes would do…I made the ugliest face that I could. When my parents developed the film, excited to see the picture of my dad and I with Pavel Bure himself, I looked like a goofball.
This photo still makes my family laugh to this day. Sorry dad that I was such a brat and ruined the photo, but this is probably better than a boring picture of all of us smiling normally, right ;)?
Hahahahaha this is beyond hilarious! It makes me like you ten times more knowing that you were as obnoxious and bratty as I was as a kid. This is one for the frames, that's for sure.
OMG THIS PICTURE IS INCREDIBLE. hahahahaha…. ur silly 5 year old face beside pavel's annoyed/full-of-angst stare is perfect. thanks for sharing!!!!! =)
OMG, that's so hilarious. But I get it totally. Pancakes are way more exciting to a 5 year old than big men you don't know. LOL.
And having kids myself, I also use them to get great photo ops with well-known people. There's always a bigger chance that they'll notice you when you push forward a cute, clueless kid. Hahahaha!
SHUT UP!!!! that is so cool lades, best ever "in-between" face capture in the history of the world – bahaha!
look how young he is there, insane capture. i love it and wasn't last nights game epic. omg, the streets must have been left in such disarray for today. crazytown cometh! ♥
Hilarious! Love it 🙂
Hahahahaha! Wow, that's incredible. I love the face you made haha.
Cute picture!
Go canucks!
That's hilarious!
Haha great story! You look SO cute!
OMG! You are so cute!!!
LOL! Hilarious.
you're too funny!
LOL! That's the funniest picture, so true smiling would've been overrated and not post worthy! Have a lovely week ahead Ali!
Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries
OMG Alicia, you are too funny. If this was my family, this picture would get brought up alllll the time 😉
xo, alison*elle
Yep. Pretty much the best picture ever. If it comes down to pancakes or hockey players, I'm with five-year-old Alicia- pancakes, please 🙂
ohmygoodness, this photo is hilarious. you look so cute.
Hahaha amazing! …So when's that Kesler video going up? =P
You met my hero and didn't even tell me!!! Ha ha, love the picture 🙂
Hahahahaha this is beyond hilarious! It makes me like you ten times more knowing that you were as obnoxious and bratty as I was as a kid. This is one for the frames, that's for sure.
Alex xoxo
This is all types of awesome! I wish I got a picture with Bure when I was a kid…I would've gone nuts!
Lol this is so awesome, Alicia! Great photo 😉
OMG THIS PICTURE IS INCREDIBLE. hahahahaha…. ur silly 5 year old face beside pavel's annoyed/full-of-angst stare is perfect. thanks for sharing!!!!! =)
hahahaha you are fantastic. That is the most hilariously cute picture ever.
OMG, that's so hilarious. But I get it totally. Pancakes are way more exciting to a 5 year old than big men you don't know. LOL.
And having kids myself, I also use them to get great photo ops with well-known people. There's always a bigger chance that they'll notice you when you push forward a cute, clueless kid. Hahahaha!
SHUT UP!!!! that is so cool lades, best ever "in-between" face capture in the history of the world – bahaha!
look how young he is there, insane capture. i love it and wasn't last nights game epic. omg, the streets must have been left in such disarray for today. crazytown cometh! ♥