
even though you left me here i have nothing left to fear

June 25, 2010

I woke up this morning to a blank cell phone. My Blackberry flip is just a white screen with an error message. Does my BB not realized that I have a phone addiction? I am having withdrawals here!!! I keep picking it up and checking it, but it’s the same white screen and error message. Rogers sent me an email about how to fix it that is only about oh, 50 steps long. I just can’t wait to dive into that disaster tonight LOL


On a much happier note, it looks like my vacation-less year is turning around. My dad called yesterday about a random cousin getting married in Frisco on the September long weekend. Flights are super cheap, $150 or something? Maybe cheaper if we fly out of Seattle…gotta check it out. Anyways, Adam will come too and my whole family, perhaps some cousins. I have to warn Adam about my family on a vacation…it’s a very different experience. My dad is already stressing out about a rental car, suggesting he’ll drive down before we all fly down there to save money on the rental car? Which sounds ridiculous to me, since gas and accommodations seem like they’d be far more expensive then renting a car for a few days? Haha oh dear. I’m so happy to have an end of the summer workout goal, as well as something to look forward to (don’t worry Paula, I am excited about your wedding too!!!!)


It’s so funny that this year Adam and I were making a conscious effort NOT to plan too many weekend trips. We wanted to just relax this summer and enjoy our new apartments and the East Van life. Of course, things are booking up quickly and unfortunately a lot of events are overlapping. Including one party in particular that I’m furious I have to miss 🙁 Why must important events fall on the same day?


While we’re talking about weekend trips, my friend Kadie does her birthday in Whistler every year and this will be my third time attending. Each time it’s a different theme and this year it’s “Tight and Bright”. Unfortunately kind of a vague theme, so Brandi and I went out shopping for it the other day. It was definitely a challenge, especially since our go-to store American Apparel was into pastels this spring instead of neons. We totally got sucked into buying 3 nail polish colours from AA though, they were to die for! You’ll be seeing them in posts to come for sure. After an long search, we both ended up getting dresses at Forever 21, which are more bright and less tight because we’d still like to be comfortable!


What is everyone up to on Canada Day? I just realized I wasted my red and white dress yesterday…only one week away from when I should have worn it. I’m so silly! I’ll have to bring out some of my Olympic gear instead. Red mittens in July anyone?DSC_0041new

Dress, Tank, and Belt Plum // Ring Forever 21 // Purse Value Village // Boots Steve MaddenI hope you don’t mind a few more fashion posts than usual. I’m trying to put this new camera to good use and I bought so many summer outfits, I might as well share them with you! It’s actually perfect trying to get outfit shots after work on a sunny day because then it gives us an excuse to go for a nice walk. It really helps to go for a walk after work and forget all the troubles of your day. And it feels good to get moving before dinner! We obviously stopped to watch the dogs swimming for a few minutes. Well the dogs and one random foreigner who thought it was a good idea to swim in Trout Lake? Questionable decision…

Civil Twilight – Letters From The Sky

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  • Kristen June 26, 2010 at 1:32 am

    I love your outfit, it's so cute! And I have to say the dogs really make me want to go play in the water!

  • Melissa June 26, 2010 at 6:11 am

    Your pictures make my pictures look like poop. Damn you for being gorgeous and having amazing style.

  • The Anthology June 29, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    There are two things I love more than anything — flowy dresses and flat boots. You've paired them beautifully!

    Looks like so much fun!


  • Krista... June 29, 2010 at 9:07 pm

    ahhh you haven't wasted the dress just wear it with a different belt and your hair up and it will look like a brand new outfit. haha…that is what i do.

  • nicole July 5, 2010 at 1:19 am

    I love your fashion posts. this dress was made for you, you wear it so well, esp with those boots! I love SF and being there for a wedding, even better!