
Eden Tropical

February 24, 2014


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It has been snowing for three days straight.  And sure, my friends in the East are currently rolling their eyes, but seriously Vancouver like shuts down at any sign of snow.  This is why I feel like there is no better time to share snaps from Eden Tropical than right now.  Palm trees always cure those wintertime blues, even if it’s just in photos.

Gal pal Alexandra and I set off on a lengthy journey to Port Saint Lucie, Florida a few weeks ago.  It’s there that we met up with women from all across the country for a unique 2 day Lise Watier experience.  Not only did we get an exclusive first glance at their summer collection (spoiler alert – you’re going to love it), but we also got tons of makeup tips and tricks from International Makep Artist, David Vincent.   We even got a fun surprise when brand new swimwear line Everyday Sunday put on a fashion show of their online collection.  It was an unforgettable whirlwind trip and I’m so happy to have been a part of it.

To give you a better idea, Alex and I compiled my footage into a short video.  Because, really, what else would we do on the flight home?! Hope you enjoy xo

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  • Ana Parfenova February 24, 2014 at 7:23 pm

    Oooh this post brings much needed warmth into my life. I can't believe it's snowing so much right now! I just checked the news and the Lower Mainland is expecting 10cm more of snow. Hope you're bundled up!

    xo Ana
    The Broken Stiletto

  • Nikki February 24, 2014 at 7:46 pm

    I can't waaaaait for summer. This winter has lasted long enough! ^^ I'm a bit jealous of this amazing experince. Florida would be the perfect cure for my winter blues! xo

  • Benj Montgomery February 25, 2014 at 4:24 am

    So lucky <3

  • Melanie Liliana February 25, 2014 at 5:00 am

    Looks like an amazing time! I was just in Florida over Christmas and unfortunately I didn't get the best weather! Also, hopefully you survive the snow! It hasn't snowed that much here in Calgary but it's COLD! Keep warm! xx

  • Maggie Adofo February 25, 2014 at 8:03 am

    I want them alll 🙁

    Maggie A

  • MizzJ February 28, 2014 at 2:51 am

    Wow that is so awesome that you and Alex got this chance! The swimsuits are all so cute.