striped plum zip cardigan (worn backwards) // black chiffon skirt and assorted bracelets from h&m // the most amazing value village shoes find ($7.99 ya’ll) // necklaces c/o olivia solie // my new kate spade bag // flora gold MONIKALOVE bfrend bracelet c/o // hue tights
look at me! out at night, wearing a cardigan backwards and dancing around in someone else’s old shoes. this is about as crazy as life gets lately. please contain your jealousy!
You look stunning! i adore your shoes! you styled this outfit so beautifully!
I am jealous. I want to dance around in someone else's old shoes 🙁
You look lovely m'dear xo
you look gorgeous I love your hair and makeup!
You are BADASS!
Those shoes missy are out of this world… good on you for finding them!
Love this look – and can't believe that's a cardi backwards!! 🙂
Sadie xx
I couldn't tell this was a cardigan, I thought it was a tee! I'm sure the shoes were ultra comfy too since someone already went through the pain of breaking them in, haha. Classic look.
I never knew wearing a cardigan backwards could look so stylish! Such a great look and you could never tell those shoes are second-hand from the photo.
I love your new purse – Kate Spade's things are always so adorable. I might have to make a trip to the outlet again!
I love love this outfit , and you hair is so very beautiful!!
Haha! I love this! The cardigan looks perfect this way. On Tuesday, I actually saw a girl walking in from of me that was wearing a cardigan backwards and it was one of those moments where I was asking myself why I had never thought of that. Pure genius!
Haha funny! Love this outfit – striped top and red lips are definitely classics! 🙂
Is it slightly weird that I can picture you walking around Paris in this outfit? No?
You look gorgeous & I want to steal your new bag lol
A,love your outfit! that purse is amazing! 🙂
Gorgeous! I love those shoes and your hair!
Classic but gorgeous ! ;o Love your look. Especially the bag and incredible hairstyle ! Kiss x
Looking great in your classic black and white!
And Alicia – the hair! Seriously! It's too beautiful.
~Natasha Fatah~
I love this look!! That bag is AMAZING!
so omg, ive spent like the last hour looking through your posts and i have a total girl crush! girl you are gorgeous! love your style! your hair is lovely! i cant stop gushing! be still my heart! haha
I've totally done the cardigan backwards !! It just adds an extra something if you're feeling uninspired !! Great look 🙂
Your hair is GORGEOUS!!! Wow the color and the curls just look so fab!! Love it. So to answer your questions, Yes! I am jealous. lol
And I would have never thought of wearing a cardigan backwards…too funny!
Hattitude Style Blog
alicia wicked awesome stripes with red lips! ah reading all the vancouver girl's blogs makes me miss it!
talk soon wild child
Hattitude Style Blog
Love this outfit, Alicia! You look stunning!
The Urban Umbrella
Gorgeous outfit, I love your hair!
I'm your newest follower!
xo, Megan
I want to try the backwards cardigan trend, but I don't have one that will work for it yet. You look super cute!
xo Jennifer
Haha! That's pretty crazy;) Backwards cardi….love! I will have to try it.
Jen xo
Would it be possible to trade hair with you?
– Obsessed with your hair and wardrobe
Black & white is always a great choice, especially when stripes are involved. Really cute, girl!
wow.just found your blog. really love it! followed <3 mind to follow back my blog?thanks,
Love this look! I tried a dress on Saturday – backwards, and it wasn't till i got home that i realised! But figure I can wear it two ways!
PS – your hair is smashing! How do you style it?
Such an amazing look, Alicia! Love the classic black & white and all the accessories (including the shoes!) are gorgeous. Looking stunning!
xo Leonie
Weekend Sparkle
Great bag! love that