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Featured Style

Workwear Layers

November 2, 2015

simple fall layers, trench coat, fall outfit, best fashion blog, vancouver style, alicia fashionistaThe formula to a perfect office outfit goes as follows.  You NEED (not want, they’re most definitely a necessity) comfortable, low heels.  It’s key to do light layers, as the warmth of that office heat sure is a shock to the system once you step outside in the cold for lunch!  Next, is a tote bag because a day at the office and/or running around usually requires the kind of bag that can hold all of the things.  And lastly, sport a bold lip colour to really jazz things up and bring the entire ensemble together.  It can also do wonders to distract others from giant bags under your eyes, which can happen from time to time.  Like me, today.

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Style Travel

Palm Springs Style

October 30, 2015

stripes and florals, how to pattern mix, travel blogger, alicia fashionista, palm springs outfit

It’s no secret that I’m basically an 80 year old at heart.  An old soul quality that is now being supported by my aching joints and terrible short term memory.  I do also love crossword puzzles, episodes of jeopardy, and orthopaedic shoes.  Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that my love of Palm Springs is no surprise to anyone.  The place caters specifically to the elderly and many of the buildings look like they’re right out of the 50’s!

It was so nice getting to spend a week in Palm Springs, even if it did mean sleeping on a couch for 5 nights (the only way I could arrange free accommodation was crashing at my parent’s rented condo).   A week in such a gorgeous desert seemed like outfit photo heaven, so I packed an entire suitcase almost exclusively with photo worthy looks.  I even got my mom to shoot this one – thanks ma!  To my extreme disappointment, as my camera battery began dying, I realized that I didn’t pack the charger.  Which, was extra frustrating when I’d wasted it on photos of myself and left no battery life to shoot anything at my cousin’s wedding.  Thank goodness for decent iPhone photo quality, or I would have cried.  I still can’t find the camera charger.  I think it’s lost forever!

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Featured Style

Fall Love

October 26, 2015

casual cozy sweaterThere are the days I wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed, and then there are those mornings I hit snooze as many times as possible.  And on those extra exhausted occasions, if there is ever a way for me to wear leggings as pants (in a respectable way, of course) then my goodness, I’ll take it!  This outfit hits maximum levels of comfort and was the perfect ensemble for some cozy fall activities.  Get the links to shop the look below!

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For The Office

October 21, 2015

womens work wear, curvy blogger, high waisted pants, zara fall 2015Every once in a while, I miss working a 9-5 job.  The structure and familiarity of the routine, as well as dressing the part of young professional.  It’s not all woe-is me that I get to create my own schedule, but I really do love re-creating office appropriate looks for client meetings.  It’s somehow not as inspiring to do so when there’s no boss or co-workers to impress.  Thank goodness for this blog, otherwise I’m not sure I would be motivated to ever get out of my pj’s!

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Wishlist // Fall Femme

October 15, 2015

Life is so much prettier with a touch of blush pink!  Tap the icons to purchase.


Camel + Pony

October 14, 2015

fall outfit ideas, how to wear a camel coat, vancouver fashion blogIf I’m being completely honest, I’m laying in “bed” right now (which is actually just a couch, this is what happens when you crash for free at your parent’s rental apartment) spending my second evening in Palm Springs snuggled up with American Netflix.  On a very dangerous binge of The Great British Bake Off Season 1 and we’re onto bread week and I’m so understanding why everyone is obsessed with this show!  This has nothing to do with my outfit, but I felt compelled to confess this to you anyway.

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Cozy Cardi

October 8, 2015

fall boho style, best fall looks, curvy style, alicia fashionistaI love shooting outfit photos with Adam because it often requires us to go on a mini adventure.  On this particular evening, we wandered outside post work in search of a big piece of artwork my cousin James is painting at Alberta and 2nd.  Days are getting shorter and shorter and as the sun went down, we quickly lost the light.  We shot what we could (I kind of like the darker tone of these for a change) and ended up finding James finishing up his work for the day.  It was so cool seeing him mid-project and working on something so large scale.  If you’re in the area, you should definitely check it out!

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Featured Style


October 5, 2015

aritzia fall 2015, blanket scarf, bailey nelson sunglasses, fall pastelsLeaving town for a few weeks is always a bit strange.  It feels like you’re disconnected just enough from home, but as though everything is on pause until you’re back again.  Returning is like emerging from a deep, dreamlike slumber.  Distant vacation memories still lingering, making you question whether it even happened at all.  Adam and I are back from Italy and have seemingly returned to an entirely different season.  We’re lucky enough to live in Vancouver, a place where the seasons are mild but very true to their definition.  I feel thrown off that we didn’t see the end of the summer through to give it a proper West Coast goodbye.  We’ve missed the beginning of the falling leaves, and the hustle and bustle of back to school.  My closet is all kinds of confused.  Pretty sure I just spent three weeks purchasing summery things!  The weather far too warm to even consider what that cool autumn breeze could feel like on the skin.

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Featured Style

These Boots

September 28, 2015

window pane skirt, best vancouver fashion blog, how to layer for fall, alicia fashionista


Ring the bells and shout it from the rooftops!  FALL IS HERE!  And when I see those crunchy multicoloured leaves sprinkled along the sidewalk, it’s officially boot weather.

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