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March Favourites

April 3, 2019
alicia fashionista, bruush, best electronic toothbrush 2019

A bunch of random things that I’ve been loving lately!

This is not a sponsored post, but by all means, if any of these people want to sponsor me, I’m avail 😉 I was also sick with an attractive cough/cold for pretty much all of February and most of March, so I cannot promise that these favourites will be the most exciting of all time. God, I’m such a gifted salesperson.

My Brüush Toothbrush

I was in the market for an electric toothbrush and my friend mentioned that a friend of hers had started an electric toothbrush company (seriously, what are the odds?) and that she was loving her Brüush! I reached out and they were kind enough to send one and you guys, it’s SO good! The packaging is gorgeous, but it’s also incredibly functional. Has a 4-week battery and simple charging station, 2-year warranty, and comes with a convenient travel case. There are different settings, so I find myself brushing for a bit longer to utilize the ‘gums’ setting, as well as the ‘tongue’ option. I also use the ‘gentle’ setting in the mornings, as my teeth are sensitive after I’ve clenched my jaw all night. I love that the brush head isn’t round, so it doesn’t just spray toothpaste onto every surface in the bathroom. I didn’t realize how quiet it is too. When I was brushing my teeth at my friend’s place a few weeks ago, she looked at me with shock and asked how my electric toothbrush was so quiet. I just adore my Brüush and wanted to give this new company some love!

Ole Henriksen Balance Collection

Well, I have finally done it. I’ve adopted some sort of a skincare regime. I’ve started off small and just do cleansing and toning every now and again, but that’s a vast improvement from my humble beginnings of doing nothing. I keep a Find Your Balance Oil Control Cleanser and Pore Balance Facial Sauna Scrub in the shower and use one or the other each time I wash my hair. Then I apply the Toner and Hydrator after my shower which leaves my skin feeling tingly and hydrated. I’ve really liked the collection, but I want to remind you that skincare is really different to everyone, so what works for me might not work for you. But, if you also forget to cleanse/tone yo face, I highly recommend the shower trick. It’s like a mini at-home spa treatment once a week!

The Vionic Joey Sneaker

When I was finally feeling better from my initial February cold, I was out walking Reg and somehow threw my back out. I’d never done that before and it was absolutely terrifying. I painfully crawled over to Adam, who was having a nap, and when he woke up and asked what was wrong, I burst into tears. That feeling of your spine not being able to support your body is one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. I learned what to do though and was feeling better again by the end of that day. What this long-winded story is about, is that ever since I threw my back out, I have been wearing only my arch supportive Vionic Joey Sneakers. I liked them for travel last year but was such a white Vans loyalist that I didn’t really sport them beyond trips. Now I’ve worn them every day for the last month and they’ve been great. Ahh, the joys of ageing. If you have any other orthopedic shoe recommendations, I’m all ears!

aliciafashionista, wilderado


Adam and I went to see Mt. Joy at The Imperial last month and it was a great show. If you don’t already know Mt. Joy, their debut album is dope as hell and you should definitely go listen if you’re into Indie Rock/Americana/Folky Blues. What surprised us, though, was how much we fell in love with the opening band, Wilderado. They don’t even have an album yet, just EPs of greatness and plenty of Spotify plays. I. Can’t. Stop. Listening. Over and over again, all day long. It’s like I’m possessed. I swear the lead singer made eye contact with me during their set (though Adam claims he did with him as well LOL) and it was so intense, maybe he cast a spell on me?! If you’re yearning for, dare I say, Americana early 2000’s Coldplay vibes with some Folky Fleet Foxes-worthy harmonies (?), go listen and become obsessed like I am so that we can bond over their sound, okay?

These Perfect High Waist Denim Shorts

You may have seen these bad boys on my IG stories yesterday, but I have more to say, so here we are. I happened to see them on the TOPSHOP website at the beginning of March and I have stalked their Vancouver location just waiting and waiting for these beauties to arrive. From first glance, I just knew they were the high waisted denim shorts of my dreams and I was bang on. They’d already sold out of the lighter denim at my local store, but luckily I was able to try on the black denim. I love them so much, I ordered them in the lighter denim as well. I love how they’re loose in the leg and hips, but the paperbag waist keeps a sexier silhouette. You’ll be seeing these for the next few months, so prepare yourself.

What have you been loving lately? Let me know in the comments below!

Music Style

Insta Squamish Fest with Gentle Fawn

September 24, 2015

squamish, svmf, squamish fest 2015, squamish british columbiaI’m hanging onto those last summer memories, including the amazing Squamish Valley Music Festival experience with To Vogue Or Bust.  My very first time at this fest (which also happened to be DAYS before the wedding, hence why it has taken me so long to post), it was all thanks to my friends at Gentle Fawn for the opportunity.  Speaking of which, it’s your LAST CHANCE to use the exclusive Alicia Fashionista x Gentle Fawn promo code!  Details below…

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Music Style Travel

Coachella Redemption & The 10 Hour Dance Party

April 22, 2014

After Saturday’s biking blunders, I opted to leave before the group to get a head start.  I knew I was in super cute but not bike friendly boots and that my behind hurt enough that I’d be needing to take breaks.  Sometimes in those high stress situations, I just need to be solo and do my own thing.  It was way better this way.  Had Disclosure blaring on my phone as I biked my way through PGA West.  I couldn’t help but smile because the day was already off to a way better start.  Then, something extra magnificent happened.  I actually never even told my friends about this out of shame at the time, so if they’re reading this – surprise!  As I turned the corner to phase 3, a man across the street in a truck yelled out to me “You need a ride?”  Initially hesitant, “actually?!” I mumbled as I attempted to get my clunky feet to start pedaling again.  I turned around and saw the truck making a u-turn and pull up beside me. “Are you serious?” I asked, still amazed that this was happening and also now realizing it was a woman. “Oh yeah, this is what I do!” she assured me.  For simply a tip she was willing to drive me through phases 3 AND 4.  She had home printed business cards for her “service”.  She spends her extra income from the two weekends on fixing up a bike of her own.  This woman is my hero.


We were all meeting at the side beer garden for Chance The Rapper.  He opened with Cocoa Butter Kisses and Justin Bieber made an appearance.  I discovered $11 spiced rum and cokes – a game changer.



We all felt like more dancing and Rob suggested we make our way over to Rudamental.  We found a great spot to the right of the stage with plenty of room for movement and the girl behind us even had one of those spray fans to cool us off every now and then.  Rudamental put on such a great show, I have a serious girl crush on the blonde pictured below with bad ass braided hair.  They even had one guy who’s sole purpose on stage is to hype the crowd up – and it definitely worked!  We were breaking it down when all of a sudden I felt a tug on my hair and heard a sputtering engine noise.  I did my best to turn around and see what I had suspected.  My hair was caught in the girl’s fan.  Luckily, it was a small chunk and I have plenty of hair to go around.  After a photo to document its ridiulousness, we just ripped the rest of my hair away and the fan even continued to work.  We got lots of extra air and water too, I’m sure out of guilt.  But yes, an excellent show.  I recommend you check out their song Waiting All Night – in fact, you might already know it!  There we were dancing away



Coachella Outfit Details //
Black Silk Tank, Joe Fresh
Floral Kimono, Forever 21
Acid Wash Denim Shorts, Forever 21
Boots, Naughty Monkey c/o
Large Brim Fedora, Forever 21
Mirrored Sunglasses, Forever 21
Blue Satchel, Forever 21
Assorted Bracelets, Olivia Solie c/o

Then came one of my favourite acts from the entire two days.  There is something to be said about music with a really great beat (Songza just taught me that it’s called trap music) so Adam brought a few of us to Flosstradamus.  Oh my goodness, it was THE most epic dance party of my entire life.  We posted up at the fence just outside of the Mojave tent.  The people in front of us who were technically in the tent never had any room to move at all, so we definitely lucked out with our spot.  It was an hour straight of dropping it like it’s hot.  We had impromptu dance parties with other randoms from the crowd.  We jumped up on the cables, we sang, we loved every second of it.



I’d scheduled Calvin Harris in as my resting period.  This never happened.  We ended up dancing with the entire side beer garden for the duration of his set.  How could I deny those hits?!  It was so much fun.  Then Adam and I broke away because I really wanted to see Daughter and I knew their show would be almost empty because everyone would be pushing to go see Lana Del Ray.  I like Lana enough but I made a judgement call.  Anyway, there was maybe 50 people there waiting for Daughter, so we got an amazing spot and I got to hear them perform Smother and Human live.

Disclosure was next, but I’m such a snob and just can’t compare it to their Osheaga show where there was only a couple hundred watching and I was front row.  I think the rest of the group really enjoyed them though, they really are a fun duo.  Last, but certainly not least came the epicness that is Arcade Fire.  Debbie Harry made a cameo for a rendition of Heart Of Glass. We danced away and sang along to all the Arcade Fire hits and favourites.  It was a Coldplay at Pemberton Festival kind of moment that I’ll always cherish.  Sunday was absolute Coachella redemption.

The biking was of course, not over yet!  Somehow on this last ride, Adam and I got lost (ugh, so something we would do) and ended up going 20 minutes out of the way on a trail that spat us out into unfamiliar territory.  We eventually found our way, but I definitely said a few curse words under my breathe as we rode the extra few blocks.  At least by that time, I was a bike riding pro and was already going at a much fast speed and easily maneuvering through the crowds and cars.

Can’t believe it’s all over already.  I’m having desert withdrawals!  Another Coachella adventure is complete – hopefully not my last music festival of the year!

Music Style Travel

The Journey to Coachella & A Saturday Sandstorm

April 17, 2014

My alarm went off at 5:30 am on Saturday morning and I couldn’t help but laugh to myself.  Considering that after the wedding I’d gone to bed at 2:30, it most certainly constituted more of a nap than beauty sleep.  This was going to be a long day.  When I landed in Palm Springs, I searched for my driver, trying to remember the instructions the car service had provided.  Finally I saw an old man with a printed sign with my name on it.  “Where ya been girl?” He says to me, as he adjusts his newsboy cap and motions us towards his vehicle.  I go to open my door, “Let me guess, it’s locked?” he asks in annoyance. “I hate this damn car,” he mumbles as we begin driving. “Let me tell you, this drive is going to be HELL.” he informs me, “this damn Coachella.  It’s RIDICULOUS.  People everywhere, just an absolute disgrace.” He goes on and on about his hatrid for the festival before I finally reveal that it also happens to be the exact place I’m headed.  “Oh,” he says after my confession, “Well, I’m certainly well past my Coachella Festival days.”  Being that he was late 70’s and adorably grumpy, I would have to agree with that statement.
I was able to squeeze in one hour of pool time, which was exactly all I needed to get enough of a tan for my all white/blush outfit for the day.  Thank you, skin!  I was super pumped to wear the outfit I’d picked for my first day.  For someone with my figure, it’s not often that I’m able to sport a crop top.  I felt great in it though, because when paired with something high waisted (with an elastic waistband that flares away from the body – key) it ends up just showing the tiniest bit of skin.  It’s important to feel sexy in your own way, especially in an environment where a lot of people are pretty much naked.
So, last year we’d taken taxis to and from the festival each day and we decided that bikes would be a better decision.  And I say “we” as in the whole group thought this and I just went along with everyone.  To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I was on a bicycle.  We opened the garage to our 7 bicycles lined up in a very intimidating row and I hopped on mine.  It’s true what they say that it all comes back to you, but it doesn’t necessarily happen right away.  I was almost immediately at the back of our bike gang as I followed my friends on this supposedly short ride.  The heat.  The uncomfortable seat.  My crop top.  My stupid crop top.  My burning legs.  I bet my hair is being ruined by sweat in this helmet.  Whyyy am I so out of shape? Then, we finally arrived at the first security checkpoint and I screw up.  Somehow didn’t notice that I was in the guy’s lineup and was sent to the very back of the girl’s line.  Most of the group waits.  I walk my bike through the people, legs burning so much.  I’m frustrated and tired and the day has barely even begun.  We somehow lose everyone and Adam (such a patient man, God bless him) helps me lock up my bike so we can hustle our way through security point number two and to the first show.
So we hurry our way to Gobi to catch sultry female powerhouse, Banks.  Who wouldn’t want to catch her do Waiting Game or This Is What It Feels Like?  Actually, us.  I looked at Adam after one slow, kind of quiet song and asked if he wanted to leave.  Banks would be amazing at The Commodore Ballroom, not in 35 degrees and the first show of the day.  After our ride in, I needed something to lift me up.  Thankfully, Bombay Bicycle Club (I just realized the irony there) was at Mojave tent next door and we were able to easily get a spot.  They put on a great set and we were happy that we caught them.



We’re a classy bunch and love buying overpriced cold pressed juices and adding vodka to them.  It’s a real travesty to the cold pressed juice (I have a client who could be reading this and shaking his head) but makes you feel semi okay about what you’re ingesting.  Nutrients and poison together in one bottle.  Seems okay, right ;)?  On our way over the side beer garden, we heard a bit of Chvrches and City and Colour who both sounded great.  After some sunning though, we made our way back into the crowd to catch Kid Cudi.  He wore a weird crop top and I didn’t know any songs he performed.  I was cursing myself for not researching more Cudi before that moment.  The wind started.  We left early towards the middle beer garden.  This is a trend you will sense for the rest of the day.


Our group meeting spot at the middle beer garden worked out and we were all finally reunited.  Capital Cities was next up and after seeing them at Venue last year, I knew they’d put on an entertaining show.  We drank some more, I had a slice of pizza, and we took a lot of selfies.  We also belted out their rendition of Sinead’s Nothing Compares.  It was a good set.  This was also when the wind really started picking up.

Coachella Outfit Details //
Crop Top, Latest Scoop / similar
Floral Headband, Handmade by a friend / similar
Faux Leather Skirt, Club Monaco
Runners, Top Shop
Lilac Sunglasses, Forever 21







We made our way to Lorde.  And it was beyond packed.  Couldn’t see a thing.  Heard Buzzcut Season and felt satisfied that I’d fulfilled my Lorde fix.  We then, admittedly, completely wasted the next few hours.  The wind was so intense and we’d wanted to watch Empire Of The Sun but the crowds were insane.  I mean anxiety inducing, over sold, wasted, cold, tired people kind of crowds.  We couldn’t move.  We ended up sitting in another beer garden amongst garbage and abandoned glow sticks for an hour.  To be honest, it kind of sucked.  We tried our best to rectify the situation and make our way back to the middle beer garden for Pharrell and Muse.  Instead, Adam and I approached the hoards of people attempting to funnel their way in and I backed away slowly shaking my head no.  Claustraphobia to the max.  We stayed outside the garden and I mustered up the last of my energy on Pharrell.  So glad I did.  Adam and I had a grand dance party to old school NERD, new Pharrell tunes, plus tons of cameos from Nelly, Snoop, Gwen Stefani, etc.  We caught a bit of Muse and decided it was time to start biking home.
My lack of sleep caught up to me on the bike ride home.  In my head, I broke our journey down into 5 phases and by the end of phase 3, I had to stop and refrain from breaking down into tears.  My bottom hurt so bad.  I was tired.  It was cold.  I was covered in dust.  There was sand in my eyes.  My feet ached.  And we still had two more phases of biking to complete.  After my pity party, we FINALLY pulled up to the condo.  I had the most amazing hot shower of life.  I hand washed my clothes.  I forgot to pack loungewear and looked in Adam’s suitcase for some shorts and a tee and instead saw a Smirnoff Ice staring back at me.  I broke the cardinal icing rule and ignored it.  There was just no way that I was going to chug a Smirnoff Ice at 2 am after all that.  It was, you might say, just the icing on top of the entire day.
We have many regrets about Saturday but there were just so many factors working against us.  We stayed as upbeat as we could and even though I seem to have many complaints about Saturday, it really was okay enough.  I laugh now when I think back and I mean for the most part we had fun.  My Sunday recap is coming up soon and it was a very successful Coachella day, I promise!

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Music Style Travel


August 22, 2013








Let’s take this Throwback Thursday all the way back to OSHEAGA!  Being the RACHEL Rachel Roy fashion correspondent was such a unique experience.  Dressed to impressed each day, meeting new people, scouting streetstyle, and handing out sweet coupons, all while enjoying amazing concerts at this country’s coolest festival?!  Best. Time. Evarrrr!  Was a delight meeting fellow RRR gals Erin from The Kit and Anik from Montreal In Style.  And the adventure wouldn’t have been complete with meeting up with Surinda and my pal Erin of Haus of Hybrid.  But let’s face it, I owe it all to those lovelies at NKPR.  Their campaigns are the creme de la creme of PR and I’m just grateful to be able to work with such an amazing team.
Also, a big huge thank you to everyone who entered the RACHEL Rachel Roy x Hudson’s Bay Giveaway.  The winners were Lien and Andrea of The Soulcialite – can’t wait to see what they choose!  As for the rest of you, I’ve got some more killer giveaways coming up so stay tuned.

Music Style Travel

OSHEAGA Style {Bold}

August 8, 2013

The Details //
RACHEL Rachel Roy Tank, Hudson’s Bay c/o
RACHEL Rachel Roy Printed Harem Pants, Hudson’s Bay c/o
RACHEL Rachel Roy Cross Body Bag, Hudson’s Bay c/o
Sunglasses, Zara
Necklace, J.Crew c/o
Rings, Pandora
Beaded Sandals, DSW
I wasn’t as excited about the music lineup on day two of OSHEAGA, but I sure was pumped about my outfit!  My goal is usually to stand out slightly, but this look obviously shouts and screams for people to notice.   I stood out a mile among thousand of people in that same bohemian festival style.  Plus, I was doing the hammertime dance/my best Bieber impression all day.  That might have earned some attention as well 😉 
Jimmy Eat World – Stars – Tegan and Sara – Imagine Dragons – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
I arrived just in time to catch the last half of Jimmy Eat World’s show, which obviously my teenage self was l-o-v-i-n-g!  Don’t know them well, but Stars was on in the background while I scoped out festival streetstyle and fulfilled my RACHEL Rachel Roy fashion correspondent duties.  Which, was super fun and I found some majorly stylish ladies around the festival.  After missing Tegan and Sara at Coachella, I was happy to catch them this time around.  Plus, they killed it.  Macklemore was so much fun, everyone headed to Squamish Music Fest this weekend is in for a treat.  The highlight for me, was when Tegan and Sarah made a surprise appearance on stage during Macklemore’s set to sing Same Love.  It was perfect. 
It’s also your last chance to score a $250 RACHEL Rachel Roy Shopping Spree at Hudson’s Bay. So…what are you waiting for?  Enter right MEOW!

Music Style Travel

OSHEAGA Style {Rocker Chic}

August 6, 2013

DSC_0184 (2)
The Details //
RACHEL Rachel Roy Skull Tee, Hudson’s Bay c/o
RACHEL Rachel Roy Sequin Burlap Shorts, Hudson’s Bay c/o
RACHEL Rachel Roy  Lace Detail Blazer, Hudson’s Bay c/o
RACHEL Rachel Roy Purse, Hudson’s Bay c/o
Bracelets, Free People
Booties, Dolce Vita
Hat, Sunnies, and Midi Rings, Urban Outfitters
DSC_0224 (2)
DSC_0196 (2)

Getting to put together festival-worthy outfits for OSHEAGA was such a dream come true.  Before I even arrived at the Bay, my stylist Lael had already pulled looks that perfectly matched my personality; girly and fun, with a bit of rock and roll.  I really loved the contrast of pretty lace and sequins with a loose skull tee and boho accessories. This look was so comfortable, I’ll be remixing all of these pieces on the asap.

The first day of OSHEAGA was super hot.  Walking through the gates, I immediately regretted not putting sunscreen on, but was thankful I’d opted for a hat.  The guy beside me at Alt J fainted and others around were dropping like flies.  Oh, that heat in the East!  Despite the rising temperatures, I managed to see…

Alt J – Two Door Cinema Club – Ellie Goulding – Vampire Weekend – Phoenix – Baauer

It was great watching a few old favourites.  Alt J kills it every time and Vampire Weekend was basically made for festival performances.  It was awesome to finally see Two Door Cinema Club live and Ellie Goulding.  Ohhhh, Ellie.  Girl crush for sure.  You should have seen her abs, she’s also my new workout inspiration.  I ended the night randomly (as you do) and went to see Baauer on a whim.  He was awesome, who doesn’t love a good dance party with hundreds of strangers?  I even managed to catch The Cure performing Friday I’m In Love as I exited the festival.  Had to leave while I could still walk.  Heels were an ambitious choice.  The things that I do for fashion!

Like my outfit?  You should enter my RRR giveaway!  You could win a $250 RACHEL Rachel Roy Shopping Spree at Hudson’s Bay.  Details HERE.

Music Travel


April 17, 2013







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Just a few highlights from our very first Coachella experience.  What an AMAZING time!  I’m definitely still recovering from a weekend of sunshine, live music, pool parties, dance tents, and even a wind storm.  
Coming up tomorrow…more about Coachella fashion and my tips for those going to weekend 2!

Music Style

when we were young oh oh we did enough // when it got cold ooh ooh we bundled up

December 5, 2012

Polka Dot Blouse from H&M // Kensie Sweater // Trench Coat from Plum // 
Mavi Emma Denim // Purse from Zara // Dolce Vita Joust Booties // 
Social Experiment Holiday Cocktail Ring c/o // Adam’s sunglasses 
from the Brooklyn Flea

{Photos by Alex}
Yesterday, I was racing around trying to meet deadlines and get everything done
in a nearly impossible time frame, when I was interrupted by Adam.  “We’re
leaving for the show in 15 minutes” he told me.  “What show?” I asked, barely looking
up from my computer screen. “The Lumineers,” he replied, “you’re the one who
bought the tickets, remember?”  It was difficult to mask how annoyed I was that
I’d have to put my work aside for a few hours.  There already weren’t enough hours
in the day, how could I possibly justify going out and having fun?  In that sense,
being an entrepreneur can feel like that student stress and I take on unnecessary
guilt for partaking in anything that isn’t work related.

I begrudgingly threw on whatever clothes weren’t put away from the day before
and Rob and Jo picked us up a few minutes later.  I’ve been so busy lately
that I hadn’t even researched any of The Lumineers music and was ashamed
to say that I only knew two of their songs going into the evening.  When we
arrived, the opening act was on and we found seats at the back of the theatre.
Listening to the first act, I was sure I knew that voice and instantly started
questioning everyone around me, even though they knew just as much as I did
about this brand, which was nothing.  “Is this Y La Bamba?” I asked, “They
sound JUST like Y La Bamba.”  After a little Twitter research, it was true.
I was unknowingly watching a band I really liked perform, and so my attitude
about the evening instantly changed.  After a great Y La Bamba fix (how many
times can I say Y La Bamba in one post?) The Lumineers came out to show
Vancouver an amazing time.

I’ve never done drugs and can tell you honestly, that concerts are my high.
The Lumineers put on an absolutely breathtaking show that brought me
to my hand clapping, foot stomping happy place!  If you don’t know them
beyond Ho Hey, get their cd now.  And if you ever get the chance to see
them perform live, do it.  I can’t believe that I considered, even if it were for
just a second, skipping out on the show.  That would have had regret written
all over it.  I ended up having a great night singing and dancing with friends,
which is exactly what The Lumineers are all about!

The Lumineers – Stubborn Love