The Rebecca Minkoff ‘Downtown Romantic‘ Songza playlist is the best evarrrr.
Congratulations to my friend Erin for her launch of Sparkle Beauty. You go, girl!
Not my usual outfit post, I had the honour of doing a boudoir shoot with THE Jennifer Williams. These photos are slightly risqué, so please consider yourself warned.
My blog crush of the week is the lovely Little Lessy.
I’m back and feeling positively refreshed. A big accomplishment to be filed under independent woman status, I survived my very first flight alone AND it was a 9 hour one. As someone who very much dislikes flying, this is a big step in the direction! Now that I’m back, let’s get caught up on the latest…
I had THE most delightful time writing blog posts for one of our major papers on behalf of Metropolis at Metrotown. From stripes to florals, Far East inspiration to Pantone’s colour of the year (and so much more) check out my guest blog posts for Vancouver’s The Province newspaper.
Looking for the perfect pump-up jam? Ever since seeing this love at Coachella, I can’t stop playing the Eric Prydz remix of M83’s Midnight City.
As mentioned in my last post, I’ve entered the Twin-Set Canada Facebook Contest. Why, you ask? Because the winner gets a trip to Italy, Roman Holiday styles. Would mean the world if you’d VOTE for my look. I could repay you in love and Italian blog posts. A fair trade, no?
A little late to the party, but after visiting the UK my latest obsession is Grazia Daily. Fashion, celeb gossip, and genuinely interest content. Going to look into a subscription on the ASAP.
Lastly, I have to say a belated happy 6 year anniversary to Adam. He spent the evening winning hockey finals and I spent it galavanting around London. We’re just a pair of hopeless romantics!
Folding a pile of coloured sweaters for the third time that day, I stared out the window to get lost in a daydream. It was a slow day in the store, but I often longed for those moments to get lost in my own thoughts. And I wasn’t thinking of my psychology homework that was due, or about my boyfriend at the time. Inspired by the clothing around me, I imagined my dream career…a life in the fashion industry. It looked so perfect, complete with buying trips, fashion shows, and of course, lots of schmoozing. Maybe I’d be a buyer, or a stylist to the stars. Or perhaps I’d own my own boutique. Whatever it was, I decided that a personal ‘I made it moment’ would be staring out the window on an airplane en route to a big city, all in the name of fashion.
April 13th, it was’s 5 year blogiversary. I contemplated what I’d do to celebrate. Considered throwing a party, or doing a celebratory blog post, but as the date approached, I knew I wouldn’t have time for anything special. And yet, on the day that this blog turned 5 years old, I received a very exciting/surreal/squeel-worthy email. Here I am, sitting on a plane on the way to London for an exclusive experience. I’ve struggled, I’ve hustled, I’ve recognized opportunities, I’ve understood failures, and most importantly, I’ve worked my ass off.
I don’t care if it’s a humble brag, I’m having an ‘I made it moment’.
Follow along in real time on instagram @aliciafashionista #boohootakeover and thank you all for reading, supporting, inspiring, and loving. This crazy adventure wouldn’t be the same without you.
A beautiful sunny Sunday day in Vancouver // Photo op with my business partner, Mitch
Fresh Snow in Whistler // Banana Pancakes – the breakfast of champions
Girl’s Night Out with my fam jam slash amazing ladies // Revlon‘s NEW Nearly Naked Collection that I can’t wait to try!
Vancouver, I love you – the view from Cambie + Broadway.
After a day of helping one of my clients hand out food to the homeless, I was feeling extra grateful to have a warm apartment to come back to.
Okay, this one is from a little while ago, but I just love it so much. Photo credit – Glen Murray
Kale may have been trendy last year, but I only JUST started buying and cooking with it. Made kale chips for the first time and thought they were deeeelicious. The perfect side or starter.
Had a great afternoon at Veronika‘s place for a little Stella and Dot party. Jewellery and girl chat, it really doesn’t get any better than that!
Anything and everything Style Common related. We’re onto something great, my friends.
That Adam and I officially booked our flights to England and France. Hello, Paris outfit planning!
This smoothie recipe. I’ve replaced my morning coffee with a smoothie and the gym, its been fantastic.
Having Girls HBO, Suits, and Downton Abbey all back on the tele. Although, don’t even get me started on last night’s episode of Downton, I’m still traumatized.
This adorable photoshoot by Stephanie Sterjovski. Has me longing for a romantic Valentines Day…and a cupcake.
The fact that I’m already in my pjs and ready to snuggle up to a good book.
This year, I rebuilt. I spent the time asking questions and reflecting. I played up my strengths and identified my weaknesses. I took risks, and seized the right opportunities. I re-gained confidence in myself and my work. This year has been one big, crazy adventure and I have savoured every single moment of it.
About 2013, the year of growth.
The hardest part is over. I shifted my priorities and slowly but surely, I became an entrepreneur. My leap of faith paid off. This new year, however, is just full of potential both personally and professionally. It’s time to gather up my thoughts and ideas, and continue to build my business with an expanding team of talented people, who continue to inspire me. I will take better care of myself and find more of a balance.