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5 Ways To Motivate Yourself To #RunMore

June 26, 2015

Running was never my favourite activity growing up.  It’s probably thanks to the remnants of traumatizing ‘Fitness Fridays’ where my school crush would laugh as he out lapped me.  Now that I’m an adult, I know how to run with asthma.  A sporadic 5k just doesn’t work for me.  It takes time and effort to build my lungs up to be in shape enough for longer distance jogs.  And I’ve since learned to love running.  That feeling when your feet hit the pavement, the wind blowing past you as you dash towards you objectives.  Sometimes I can’t help but run with a giant smile on my face just because it feels THAT amazing!

In celebration of adidas, a platform for urban runners to step their game up, I thought I’d share some things that I do to stay focused.  On those days when running feels rather stale, or it seems like staying in bed > everything, I use these 5 motivators to help get my butt outside!

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The Last Dance

June 20, 2015

being a dance teacher, end of my dance career, alicia fashionista

It had been such a casual, fleeting moment.  That afternoon in 1990 when my mom came upstairs to ask me if I’d like to join dance.  I paused and looked up only to shrug, “Okay,” as I continued to play with my dolls.  I remember bits of it too, those first classes, even though I would’ve only been 4 years old.  It often happens that way.  These tiny, insignificant little things that end up being an absolutely life changing moment in time.

For 25 years, the dance studio has been my second home.  Inside those stone grey walls and through the blue door, is a place where I learned discipline, nurtured my creativity, and experienced incredible triumph.  I’ve been a butterfly, an international spy, and a cavewoman.  I’ve done a Ukranian Waltz, a Cell Block Tango, and demanded R-E-S-P-E-C-T (in tap shoes, no less).  I formed lifelong friendships that will forever be bonded together by our memories on the stage and in the classroom.

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April 14, 2015
Easter Tea Party Inspiration Style Me Pretty

Photo by Ainsley Rose

April has a history of being a time of big change in my life, and it’s one of my favourite months of the year for this exact reason.  As scary as change can be, it’s what pivots our course in life and leads us in new and exciting directions.  For most, April 13th is just another day in the calendar.  For me, it was on this day, in 2008, that I felt the need to create and write my very first blog post.  Can you even stand that we’ve spent SEVEN years together?  I can barely fathom that so much time has passed and that I’ve yet to tire of this strange and amazing blogging life.
On this particular blogiversary, I’m feeling nostalgic and more thankful than I could even try to describe.  Looking back at photos and posts from years gone by, my heart is incredibly full of love.   THANK YOU for being here.  It has been such an incredible journey and one that wouldn’t even be possible without all of you.  I have so much more in store for you guys over the next year too.  We’re going to be spending a lot more time together, so brace yourselves!
Thank you so much for the last seven years.  I look forward to continuing our hangouts in this tiny little spot in the vast abyss that is the internet.  Lots of love xoxo

2015 STRONG: Core Workout

March 12, 2015

My core is definitely my biggest ‘problem area’.  I say that only because when I gain weight, it always goes straight to my stomach.  I think they say that it’s a direct result of stress, but knowing that only stresses me out more.  The only solution is to continue on with this awesome #2015STRONG program to strengthen my core are (and possibly take up yoga and/or meditation to chill out).  Meray from My Reward Fitness took Alexandra from To Vogue Or Bust and I through a really great core workout that I know you can all easily do at home, the gym, or even outdoors at any level.  The video is below and to my newsletter subscribers, I’ll get you that email PDF soon.  Hope you all enjoy this routine – I like to think of it as though we’re all one sit up closer to abs 😉 Enjoy!

2015 STRONG: Upper Body Workout

March 6, 2015
ARMS_Alicia01 copy
The words ‘strapless wedding dress’ have been repeating over and over again in my head lately.  I need to get my act together and tone my arms and get rid of that flabby bit at the armpit (wth is that garbage?!).  Meray of My Reward Fitness worked with Alexandra of To Vogue Or Bust and I last week to bring you a great upper body workout!  These six moves will help tone up and bring definition to your arms, as well as your back and shoulders.  I admittedly couldn’t move my arms after we filmed this workout, but I also have the upper body strength of a spaghetti noodle. Mmm…spaghetti.  Seriously though, I have done this routine on ‘arms’ day at the gym twice since our session with Meray and can definitely feel the difference.  Can’t wait to get stronger!

I really think you’ll LOVE this one.  It’s great for all fitness levels and can be done at home, at the gym, or even outdoors.  Be sure to watch the video below and sign up for the #2015STRONG Newsletter for a printable PDF of this workout that you can bring to the gym with you (I open the pdf on my phone or iPad at the gym to stay paperless).  Enjoy and happy Friday xo

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Raspberry Overnight Oats Recipe

February 18, 2015
They say that it’s the most important meal of the day and I simply cannot argue that logic.  A healthy, nutrient filled start seems to really set the tone for the entire day.  I’m not exactly what you’d call a morning person, so I’m always on the lookout for new breakfast ideas, especially ones that require little effort before my first cup of coffee!  Thanks to Alexandra from To Vogue Or Bust, this quick and easy raspberry overnight oats recipe has been my favourite addition to the a.m. routine.

Raspberry Overnight Oats

Raspberry Overnight Oats (makes 1 serving)

1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 cup gluten-free steel cut oats
1/2 cup almond milk
1 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp chia seeds

Mash up frozen raspberries and maple syrup with a spoon at bottom of mason jar. Pour chia seeds over top followed by steel cut oats. Finally, pour almond milk on top and seal shut! Leave in fridge over night and in the morning, give it a quick stir to combine flavours or enjoy it parfait-style.

Still hungry?  You MUST visit To Vogue Or Bust today for her next level Poached Egg on Avo Toast recipe! Plus, we have both power breakfast recipes in video form, be sure to watch it here:

5 Nutrition Tips from My Reward Fitness

February 4, 2015

We’re a few weeks into this #2015STRONG initiative and I’m (surprise, surprise) finding plenty of struggles along the way.  I think this is ultimately a good sign though, because it’s a lifestyle I want to adopt, not an extreme all or nothing approach that ends up lasting for a short amount of time.  I’m also as stubborn as a mule and am known to refrain from asking for help, even when deep down I know that it’s needed.  This is why it’s so amazing having Meray just a text message away.  She was able to point me in the direction of some amazing nutrition tips that are simple, yet effective and I’m feeling re-energized this week!  Here are a few of my favourites:

1. Always eat a healthy breakfast. Your brain needs glucose for energy. Starving yourself will cause you to be “brain-dead”. Another theory suggests that eating breakfast can increase satiety (reduce hunger) for the remainder of the day. A study done in the University of Nottingham found that those who skipped breakfast were more resistant to insulin, which increased their risk of diabetes. You want to make sure that your breakfast has a minimum of 20g of protein and healthy complex carbs. An example of this is egg whites and oatmeal, or a couple of eggs with mutli-grain toast.

2. Meal Prep! Cook your meals in advance and always have food on hand. This will help keep you accountable to staying on track, and will prevent you from binge-eating when you are hungry. People who don’t meal prep often eat “quick and easy” foods that tend to be unhealthy. I encourage my clients to meal prep 2x a week, and make enough for a few days. This will save you time and money during the rest of the week.
3. Drink lots of water. Did you know that roughly 60% of your body is made of water?! Drinking adequate amounts of water maintains the body’s fluid balance which helps transport nutrients in your body, improve digestion, and regulate body temperature. Another perk to drinking water is it makes you feel full, which helps you consume fewer calories.

4. Don’t be scared of fats! There are so many health benefits to eating “good fats”. Good fats are unrefined animal fats, fish fats, some plant-based fats, olive, nuts and tropical oils. Some healthy fats include avocados, nuts, coconut oil, salmon, and meat. By increasing healthy fats in your diet, you can lose fat by improving your metabolism, balancing your hormones (ie. thyroid), and by decreasing cravings. Please note that increasing healthy fats in your diet will promote fat loss if you decrease your carbohydrate income.

5. Be creative with your meals.  Eating healthy should be your lifestyle, and therefore should not be a burden or considered a “diet”. You can eat healthy, and still enjoy your food. Try new recipes, and experiment with different herbs and recipes. There are so many healthy substitutions for cooking, for example: cauliflower can replace flour, almond milk can replace milk, coconut oil can replace butter, and banana or apple sauce can replace sugar.
For more nutrition tips from Meray of My Reward Fitness, check out her latest post here.  AND if you’re in need of some meal planning tips (like I always am), my girl To Vogue Or Bust is sharing some advice on the blog today.  If you sign up for the #2015STRONG e-newsletter, we’ve also got a FREE 4 Week Wellness Plan you can download and print.  It’s all about pen and paper when organizing life, amiright?!  Enjoy my darlings and happy Wednesday!


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WELCOME TO #2015STRONG + A Full Body Workout

January 21, 2015
Tata Tamer Sports Bra, Lululemon // ‘Elle est forte’ Tank, She Is Clothing c/o // Runners, Nike Air Max Thea

You guys are amazing.  The amount of interest in #2015STRONG is overwhelming and exactly what kept me motivated at the gym today.  Every time I wanted to give up mid-set, I’d remind myself that we’re all in this together and it’s so wonderful!

Meray from My Reward Fitness has given us some amazing tools to get us all started.  If you’re feeling lost at the gym like myself, or simply bored with the same old moves, it’s time to shake things up!  We’ve got a video outlining some moves we used in our full body workout that I think you’ll really like.  I hadn’t even USED a kettlebell before to give you an idea of how out of shape (and apparently out of touch?) I was.  Now, I know EXACTLY what to do with that kettlebell and feel confident enough in my routine.  I’m super excited to pass this knowledge onto you as well, I really hope that it can do the same for you!  Big shoutout to my workout partner in crime To Vogue Or Bust for putting together this amazing video!
Want this in a PDF to take to the gym with you?  Sign up for our newsletter to get it sent right to your inbox!  Plus, I spent all of yesterday working on it, and it’s worth it simply for the love and effort that I put into it.
Happy #2015STRONG to you all xoxo

Health + Fitness Goals #2015strong

January 20, 2015

Runners, Nike Air Max Thea // Wunder Under Crop Pants, Lululemon // ‘Wasting My Young Years’ T-Shirt, London Grammar // ‘Elle est forte’ Tank, She Is Clothing c/o

You’d honestly think that working for yourself would automatically mean you were in the best shape of your life.  You set your own schedule, you have tons of “free time”!  It’s just so not the case for me.  Client work and deadlines always seem to trump that yoga class or quick trip to the gym.  I’ve instead struggled to find a work/fitness balance for the past 3.5 years.   Sure, I’m active-ish, but a lack of routine eventually ends up taking a toll on your mental health.  I’m super happy and positive, but that doesn’t mean that I’m at all immune to depression and anxiety.  Which, in turn, only makes the motivation to be physically active that much tougher to find.  The Girl Boss life isn’t an ideal time to halt your workout routine, it should be the optimal time to establish one!

This is why I’m SO excited to introduce you to our health/fitness initiative, #2015STRONG.  It’s time to get our strength back, thanks to personal trainer Meray from My Reward Fitness.  She’ll be helping Alexandra and I reach our personal wellness goals, and we really want to share this experience with all of you.  We invite you to start training for #2015STRONG with us – RIGHT NOW!  All levels are welcome.  One thing I instantly loved about Meray was her firm belief that everyone has their own health/fitness goals, and that we should all respect that.  For instance, Meray is currently training for a fitness competition which includes a very strict diet and specialized intensive training.  Alexandra is already quite active and simply wishes to mix up her routine, while working around her current sports injuries.  I’m aiming for some fat loss (yeah, I said it) and to just get stronger.  I want to be able to go on a hike and feel like it challenged me, not rocked me.  I want to go to the gym and feel competent and fierce, instead of lost and out of place.  Why shouldn’t we all feel amazing in our own skin right at this very moment?!

If you sign up for our newsletter below, we’ll be sending you the best tips and tricks right to your inbox, so you should definitely go ahead and do that.  Also, if you’re interested in hiring Meray yourself, she has really great rates and is an amazing trainer to work with.  She helps you feel supported, but can also be firm enough to keep you on track.  Plus, she’s pretty great to hang out with.  Take a look at her pricing info and FAQs here.

Can’t wait to get started and to be in this one together – we’re going to kill it!

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