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i was a little girl alone in my little world

February 2, 2010

eeeeeeeeeeeeeee so much has been happening these past few days I cannot even handle it! Sunday was an “off day” for Adam and I, simply because everything we tried to do went absolutely wrong. I joked that we’d get some good karma this week because of our misfortunes. Maybe it’s the Asian wisdom in me, but I seem to be correct! First of all, you can’t tell from these pictures of my loose top & puffy skirt, but my weight loss progress is coming along very nicely. The last time I measured (I think a few weeks ago?) I’d already lost 5 inches total. I feel as though I’ve lost even more, but even if I haven’t I just feel REALLY good right now.
I actually ran on the treadmill yesterday for 10 minutes straight. For anyone with normal lungs you may think it’s pathetic that I’ve never done that before, but I have exercise and cold induced asthma and ever since I had pneumonia my lungs never been the same. I was the chubby kid that had asthma who hated running in school and would walk laps around the field, losing confidence with every step I took. So 10 minutes is a small milestone, but I’ll certainly take it and am now working towards 15 and eventually 20 hopefully in the next few weeks.
This semester has been tough and slightly discouraging because accounting is extremely difficult for me. Just when I thought I was stupid, my marketing teacher emailed me personally to tell me that I did so well on our test last week that he would like to use my answer as ‘model answers’ for the rest of the class to see. I checked my mark…and I got 100%. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten 100% on anything in my entire life! Even if I’m struggling in accounting, it’s so nice to know I did so well in marketing and that I’m not a total idiot…only when it comes to numbers of any kind. What else has been going so well? Just this morning I happened to check twitter to see that The Commodore had announce that my ABSOLUTE favorite gal Florence and her amazing effing machine is coming to town!!!!!! I have been on cloud nine ever since. I love going to concerts, but it’s a completely different experience when you go to see an artist you’re incredibly into. The only other time this has happened was Coldplay in 2006, Radiohead in 2008, and We Are Scientists/The Stills/Kings of Leon in 2008. Man, 2008 was an unreal year for concerts!

Adam’s friend from uni also invited us to her destination wedding in March 2011 in the Mayan Riviera. This means that in 2011, we’ll have TWO destination weddings to attend! Sounds like a total party to me 🙂

I’m so glad things are looking up and I am in good spirits (which is all I have to get me through midterm week).

May good karma also come your way soon XOXO

Priscilla Ahn-Dream



January 31, 2010
“all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream”
-edgar allan poe

i had a dream i stood beneath an orange sky

October 5, 2009

There have been some changes taking place lately and I feel it in my bones that there are more on the horizon. I dislike these adult decisions that need to be made as we get older. Remember when your biggest problem was that your best friend wasn’t allowed to come out and play? Actually that’s pretty relevant because some of my best friends have been too busy to “come out and play” haha. Where was I? Oh yeah, change. I have this problem with over analyzing (filed under ‘bitches are irrational’) and looking at the big picture rather than the right now aka what is relevant. So lately I keep stressing about what the hell I’ll be doing in the next few years.

My biggest dilemma is school vs. work. If I continue studying at this rate, I will have a diploma by the time I’m 30! So the simple solution is to stop working and take on 5 courses each semester. But is anyone else completely terrified of quitting their job? Isn’t it sort of like a bad relationship, you stay in it because it’s comfortable but you know it’s not “the one”? My job is my bad relationship and school seems like a great excuse to break up. I would need a quick rebound though, in a high-paying job with few hours. Stripping? Just kidding…

Then amongst the school vs. work debate comes the money issues because I need it (money that is) and with so many bills to pay, I wouldn’t be comfortable without a job. Not to mention my lifestyle costs a fortune in itself. Why couldn’t I have just been a loner? Or born into a family fortune?

Sometimes I wish the solution would just slap me in the face and everything would fall into place and I could live happily ever after. Damn you Disney for putting all these unrealistic ideas in our heads! Maybe Danielle is right and 2009 is just shit.

In other news, Adam is almost completely moved in after a hectic weekend. The place looks great already and there isn’t even much we have to do or buy to make it cozy. It already feel like his home and that is a major relief! He seems really happy with it too, which obviously makes me smile. I loved helping him set up and organize. It’s always more fun when it’s not your own place! Brandi also moved this weekend and I’m so pumped to see her new place (see…more change!) I made her promise we’d do a photo shoot because her new neighbourhood is gorgeous and she has a rebel that we need to put to good use!

Don’t get my wrong, with bad or confusing change comes positive change. I guess I just feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I just hope I have the strength to make a decision soon, and I hope it’s the “right” one!!!!

Alexi Murdoch-Orange Sky


you put the happy in my ness

November 28, 2008
6 things that make me happy 🙂

1) Walking/people watching/taking photos around the city of Manhattan…I feel at home there!

2) Drinking hot chocolate and sitting by the fire

3) Laying in the shade on the beach while enjoying the sunshine, slight breeze, and the sound of waves crashing

4) The smell of summer evening/nights (haha Grease..but seriously, it has a distinct and lovely smell/feel)

5) Lazy Sundays with the bf

6) Shopping local Vancouver boutiques (or any city really)

I’m sure I could come up with a thousand more things, but I was limited to 6!

I pass this on to anyone else who feels like completing this!!


if you talk too much my head will explode

April 14, 2008

So…how about today I start a blog?

I am mostly here because of the Miss.Smelly herself. Oh, how left out I am when you blog at work. I mean *ahem* when you blog at home on your own, unpaid time.

I would just like to say that I didn’t go shopping and blow all my money on clothes this week. Instead, I bought a new car for a small fortune (a fortune much larger than the one in my savings account!) But I heart it and it’s so cute and I feel so cute driving it! I also don’t feel like it’s going to break down any second like the ol teal mobile a.k.a “death car”. Next will be figuring out how to make the car more personal to me since it was previously owned. It sort of smells like smoke/vw/stale air. I bought one of those stupid dolphin air fresheners, so it will just have to do for the time being. While at the mall on my hunt for unique car accessories, I may or may not have stopped into the sunglass store to buy some designer shades. I’m sorry, but my $12 sunnies are just not going to cut it in my adorable new ride! I fell in love with a pair of classic Chanels that I almost bought right then and there. But they were far too expensive and I’m pretty sure I could get them for cheaper if I bargain at stores on Robson. Perhaps one of my friends has connections or something?! The thing is that Mexico is so soon and I kind of wanted new sunglasses for the trip. I keep thinking of how good they looked…*sigh

Yay Meh-i-co!!! I started laundry today, which I am unlikely to finish for another couple of days. I just despise laundry for some unknown reason. This way, if I start laundry now I might actually be done by the time I have to pack. I mapped out all the outfits I’m going to wear every day of the trip. I told Adam that I’m going to change outfits a minimum of 3 times a day. I was sort of exaggerating, but it was fun to have him try to talk me into only wearing 2 outfits a day. The best part is that I will finally be exposed to some freakin sunshine. This weekend was a bit of a preview though with the warmish weather. Adam and I went to the park near his place for a few hours yesterday and today and got a bit of colour. Unfortunately, that colour is red but I’m hoping it will turn into a golden glow in a day or two.

I’m actually excited about work tomorrow, which hasn’t happened for a while. I finally won’t have to get a ride or bus for 30 mins to take a 20 min SkyTrain and then walk for 15/20 mins just to get to the office. I may even give high heels a comeback tomorrow! I feel like shopping in the warehouse too and I have a GC, so I might as well use it up! It’s a good thing that life is sans Urs and I can relax a little, it has been such a stressful week.

Cheers to she whom I lost and all that is new in the zoo 🙂

People In Planes-If You Talk Too Much (My Head Will Explode)