Right when the title fight ended, Adam asked if he could go get something from my car, so I got him the keys and he went out there. He came back in and told me “You’re going to want to call the police.”
The worst part of it, is that we saw a guy and a girl down the street holding a piece of paper talking to people in a car. The entire moment seemed to be in slow motion, with teenagers running around and when we tried to get close enough to get a license plate number, the car sped off.
The guy and the girl had gone to a house party two houses down so we went over to kindly ask if they’d seen anything. Baaad decision. Have you ever tried to talk to defensive punk ass 16 year old boys? It was just brutal. They were so rude even though we just asked nicely if they’d seen anything. I could tell ALL of them were lying, one was pretending to be on his cell, the girl froze up, and the lippy Asian kid just kept sarcastically telling us they didn’t know anything so we should leave. Then as we walked away the Asian kid mumbled “thanks anyways” under his breath and Shannon just couldn’t handle it. She turned back around and said “You don’t have to be a fucking dick about it. We came over here to ask if you saw anything because there is hundreds of dollars worth of damage to our cars!” Ughhhh so bloody infuriating.
The woman on the non-emergency line was super nice and said she’d had a call for almost the exact same incident somewhere else in New West. When the cop came he said all he could do is give me a police report number. Then I asked him if he’d go talk to the kids because it would make me feel a lot better.
You’ll love this part. So he came back and said that the kids were doing the annual grade 12 scavenger hunt that New West Secondary students complete every year and that what had happened to me was likely a task they “had to complete”. That would explain why there was another report of almost the same incident happening to someone else and why the girl had been holding a piece of paper. Thanks so much NWSS students, for completely ruining my night and costing me a $300 deductible when I didnt’ even DO anything :
I am bitter, yes. Especially since there is probably a YouTube video out there of those assholes jumping on my car to prove they did it for their Grad Scavenger Hunt.
And so, my Saturday night continues my life’s series of ironic events.