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A story of vandalism and a case of the sads

June 14, 2010
I started writing about how exhausting my Saturday was, but it became an extremely long-winded story, so I’ll spare you. On Saturday night though, I’d gone to Adam’s friend’s house to watch the UFC fights (well, everyone else watched it, I just kind of wandered around) I’d parked on the street outside of a church on 8th Avenue in New West. Laura’s car was in front of mine and Brett’s was behind mine.

Right when the title fight ended, Adam asked if he could go get something from my car, so I got him the keys and he went out there. He came back in and told me “You’re going to want to call the police.”



My poor sweet Jetta had been damaged so bad, that I was at a loss for words. Adam showed me how the person had likely jumped from the roof of Laura’s car onto the hood of mine, causing enough impact to severely dent and crack the hood. This was concluded because of footprints on our cars, as well as a huge dent on the roof of Laura’s, which was likely done to gain leverage to jump onto mine.

The worst part of it, is that we saw a guy and a girl down the street holding a piece of paper talking to people in a car. The entire moment seemed to be in slow motion, with teenagers running around and when we tried to get close enough to get a license plate number, the car sped off.

The guy and the girl had gone to a house party two houses down so we went over to kindly ask if they’d seen anything. Baaad decision. Have you ever tried to talk to defensive punk ass 16 year old boys? It was just brutal. They were so rude even though we just asked nicely if they’d seen anything. I could tell ALL of them were lying, one was pretending to be on his cell, the girl froze up, and the lippy Asian kid just kept sarcastically telling us they didn’t know anything so we should leave. Then as we walked away the Asian kid mumbled “thanks anyways” under his breath and Shannon just couldn’t handle it. She turned back around and said “You don’t have to be a fucking dick about it. We came over here to ask if you saw anything because there is hundreds of dollars worth of damage to our cars!” Ughhhh so bloody infuriating.

The woman on the non-emergency line was super nice and said she’d had a call for almost the exact same incident somewhere else in New West. When the cop came he said all he could do is give me a police report number. Then I asked him if he’d go talk to the kids because it would make me feel a lot better.

You’ll love this part. So he came back and said that the kids were doing the annual grade 12 scavenger hunt that New West Secondary students complete every year and that what had happened to me was likely a task they “had to complete”. That would explain why there was another report of almost the same incident happening to someone else and why the girl had been holding a piece of paper. Thanks so much NWSS students, for completely ruining my night and costing me a $300 deductible when I didnt’ even DO anything :

I am bitter, yes. Especially since there is probably a YouTube video out there of those assholes jumping on my car to prove they did it for their Grad Scavenger Hunt.
And so, my Saturday night continues my life’s series of ironic events.


oh to see it with my own eyes

May 17, 2010
Here it is, the beginning of Aliciafahionista Photography.

Yesterday I thought I’d test out a Flickr account to decide whether or not it was worth it. I love the larger size of photos and the faster upload. Blogger, how you’ve caused me so much grief trying to upload pictures over the years! I haven’t even begun to try and figure out camera settings but I was fooling around with the cam this weekend.

This is Abel looking adoringly at food. Abel is always hungry…Abel loves food

Abel sees some food!

Austin feels the same way about food, especially cheese. He loves cheese!
"what's this?"

Saturday was a delight because I had a long awaited hang out with my cousin Melissa. She offered to come out my way, but I know she drives out to Vancouver all the time to see Mike so I told her I’d come out to see her instead. It worked out perfectly because we spent the evening in White Rock and watched the sun go down!

Had to do outfit pics by the tree. In case you care, this is what we wore:
hands in pockets

looking away

I am loving Melissa’s trench from The Gap! I’m adding it to my The Gap trench!

Going to White Rock without getting ice cream is a CRIME! This was Mel’s photo idea and it turned out so well. A little bit of a vintage feel.
ice cream is essential

We were both carrying too much on our walk, it was such a process every time one of us took a picture. Total girls about it!
girls...we juggle so much!

sun setting

cousins in White Rock

Hopefully you all love the new picture quality! I think I’ll just pay for the Flickr, what’s another $30 on the credit card?

Local Natives-Wide Eyes

Life Vancouver

A piece of BC History

May 11, 2010
Growing up I always felt left out because my friends had grandparents who were super young and lively. When I was born in ’86, only my Nana was left. It was a tough time for my parents, my dad lost both of his only a few years apart and my mom lost her father while she was pregnant with me. Though my grandma was alive, a big part of her died with my grandpa and the 20ish years that I knew her was basically her downfall. Nana was always old and frail. She slowly gave up all her interests, first it was baking, then sewing, then knitting, then gardening, and soon she did nothing but crosswords and watch Jeopardy. It’s very sad when you think about it, but she once told me that I kept her alive for all those years, which obviously meant a lot.
It’s unfortunate that I didn’t live the way that my friends did with their young grandparents, but if anything I think it makes me far more curious about who my grandparents were.

This is when my grandparents had just arrived in Vancouver (I think 1947?) Apparently a lot of people have this same photo because someone was taking and selling street photographs.

The day Jim Knight and Joan Lancaster became Mr and Mrs Knight

I love this picnic photo!

Nana in the snow, I believe somewhere in Northern BC

Ahh yes, the terrifying bear rug. My grandpa donated it to a museum and my mom swears she saw it once in Chilliwack

Proud parents in Kamloops 1951 with their first son, Vince

Another photo that I adore

Valleyview, 1951

The legend is that they were so isolated in Kamloops, that Vince started to bark before he started to talk, since his only friend was a dog.
Thought this BC sign was super cool!

A work party in Evelyn, B.C.

Grandpa’s Business in Kamloops

Mom and Ron in Kelown 1961. The Ogopogo looks a little bit dated 😛
Their house in Surrey, BC. Look at their car…obsessed!

Otis Redding-These Arms Of Mine


a monday morning message

April 18, 2010
I received an invite to a BC Transplant fundraising event in my email last week. It was supposed to be an event that Eva Markvoort would speak at (like she did last year) but since her passing in March, the event was being held in her honor.

Before Eva passed away I had never given very much thought to organ donation. I wasn’t against it, and if you asked me if I would want to give up my organs after I die I would gladly answer yes. So why on earth had I never signed up?

To be honest, I just don’t think I’d ever thought of it, which is a huge wake up call about transplant awareness. I purchased my ticket to the fundraiser and immediately went to the Transplant BC website to sign up to become an organ donor.

At the event on Saturday I was able to meet Eva’s sweet mother who gave a lovely speech about how transplant changed Eva’s life. There was also an adorable woman who spoke from the other perspective about her son who died suddenly of a brain hemorrhage and she ended up getting a letter saying her son’s organs had saved 5 lives. She read aloud the letters she received from the organ recipients and their families (which brought everyone to tears). The fact that her son saved these people brought happiness to the tragic events and helped bring her closure.

I can’t remember the exact numbers, but something like 59% of Canadians have said that they are for organ donation, but only 17% are registered organ donors. It is so frustrating to know that the information and expertise is there, but the resources are not. I now know 2 people who have died waiting for an organ transplant, and that is just unacceptable to me!

I was so inspired that I have challenged myself to get 10 people to sign up as organ donors. I’m not asking you to give money or volunteer your time. All I ask is that you take 2 minutes to go online and sign up to become an organ donor (you only need basic info and a Care Card #).

So far I’ve only gotten one person to sign up, but I’m working on 4 others who will hopefully sign up in the next few days. How could you say no to potentially saving lives?
TransplantBC…go and sign up now! (and if you do please let me know and spread the word!!!)


back on the block’s blogiversary

April 13, 2010
2 years ago today I started this little project and wow, I cannot believe how much it has changed in such a short amount of time! I have made so many new friends and seriously can’t remember what life was like before my blog.

Thank you so much for reading, it means so much to me 🙂


tea, cookies, and burritos

April 6, 2010
Hello all! I’m back from beautiful Portland, Oregon with a ton of stories and pictures that cannot be shared until I finish my homework…I need to be a good little girl!

Wednesday night if I’m still awake, I plan to go to the Vancouver Fashion Week opening party…anyone else? I’ve never been to Celebrities and I haven’t been to a fashion event in sooo long! Thinking I’ll probably wear my new skirt from Anthropolgie. If you’re curious to see it, I posted a picture on my Twitter.

Well my lovelies, hope you all had a great Easter I’ll update you very soon!


we’ll find a place between fact & fiction

February 7, 2010
Today Vancouver was so beautiful, it was unbelievable! How ironic that we’re hosting the WINTER Olympics and it’s 14 degrees and sunny. There is so much homework to do but I’m an avoider, so instead I decided to walk Austin with my mom and get some sun exposure (and am now wasting more time blogging about it).

not my dog…

new bf blazer obsession

my mom wanted you to know that’s her dog walking outfit, not something she’d normally wear!


saying hello to Matt 🙂

Said The Whale-Camilo (The Magician)