In preparation for Deck Your Closet, our apartment looked like a really cool but totally stress-inducing craft room slash thrift shop. Our bed frame and all the contents normally stored underneath our bed were also all over our living room (we broke our bed…in a non-weird way, a piece of it apparently warped and we were woken up last Sunday morning when a section of our bed gave way). Work has been so much fun but just non-stop, and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been trying to blog 5 days a week. And, I’m proud to say that I’ve done so for an entire month. That’s 20 posts in 30 days, an record!
Yes, it has been a lot. But keeping this simple holiday inspired message on the board has actually helped keep me sane. Every time I’d look at the day and think “There’s NO way I can get all of this done, it’s mission impossible,” I’d simply remind myself that it will all work out. It always does.
Things have thankfully already slowed down, and I can now try to get into the Christmas spirit. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and thank you to everyone who was involved with yesterday’s events. Both Deck Your Closet and Timmy’s Telethon were a huge success!