
calculations and asian peace signs

July 5, 2011




Romper & Necklace from Urban Outfitters // Blazer from H&M // Purse c/o Plum // Aldo Wedges // Adam’s Sunglasses



it’s 7 am and i just inhaled and choked on my coffee while staring out the window, obviously spacing out, wondering what the hell to write (don’t worry, i coughed it out..just down the wrong tube). i think lately i’ve been trying to write posts “like everyone else” (this is all relative, since i have a fashion blog as do hundreds of thousands of others). my posts have turned into nonsensical chatter and mundane questions. but i’m a story teller and lately, i haven’t told you any stories at all. and i mean, how many times can one bring up the weather or tell a tale about an item one is wearing. i promise, i don’t hang out with friends and compare recent shopping stories (unless it comes up of course, and then i have a ton to contribute).

last thursday night before a crazy girl’s weekend in whistler (didn’t sleep all weekend like a true rockstar and i say this with great maturity) i had a little hermie night to myself and i spent it flipping between hgtv and keeping up with the kardashians. so this show comes on called candice olson tells all and it’s essentially candice olson (who’s interior design work i love to bits) tells all her design secrets to viewers. she speaks about proportions and focal points, mixing colours and patterns, and lighting. she explains how design is all about calculations and the wheels in my brain start turning and i think about how styling is a similar calculation to interior decorating. it has taken me years to figure out these formulas, but i hadn’t put it all together until this moment of epiphany that they were even thought out formulas. i just stare at people in amazement when they pick up a cardigan and ask me how to wear it (it’s a sweater people…you just put it over anything, there’s really no secret there).

and so, instead of keeping this precious information to myself, i decided i will lay it all out over the summer and share what i know about the styling formula. and hopefully i can save some people who are wandering around stores still buying uggs and wearing tights as pants and that will be my big contribution to the world (like someone who saves lives, i will save people’s unflattering ensembles) but probably not because those people wouldn’t read this. who knows, i’ve written more than i have in a long time, i’m not sure if any of you are still reading this. okay, cappucino is finished and so is this post. enjoy your tuesday my loves!

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  • Ana* July 5, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    I need to make a little trip to Urban outfitter, I am in love with your romper.

  • Cara July 5, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    Love that bright blazer, it is perfect over your floral romper, and that Plum bag is fantastic….love the look!
    xo Cara

  • Holly July 5, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    love this outfit! it's funny to think of fashion or outfits being put together through a formula, but it totally makes sense! enjoy your day – hope it's sunny for ya! 🙂

  • Smelly Danielly July 5, 2011 at 3:54 pm

    The elements and principles of design! They make understanding fashion and interior design so easy. I'll share my cheat sheet with you. Once you know them and how to use them, you can do ANYTHING!

  • Leonie July 5, 2011 at 3:57 pm

    Great color combinations!

  • Pop Champagne July 5, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    the turquoise blazer/shirt is amazing, I can't get over how pretty that color is!! and yeah not sure why people are still wearing uggs, ew. the only time it is ok is grocery store runs, walking the dog and walking to the mailbox IN WINTER! haha

  • Chloe Mia July 5, 2011 at 4:38 pm

    I absolutely love the colour of your blazer

  • Holly July 5, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    you're amazing. and so is your message. If i can be frank….while still being Holly….the idea of original content and always having something interesting and of the moment to say can be difficult at times. As a fellow blogger i can vouch for saying thats true. As a blog reader, seeing your personality through your writing and the little quirks that make you, you, thats what i wanna read everyday. Feeling as though what I'm reading is you telling it to me, face to face, like a story. that is what i love about your blog.

    that and see your cute little face in your pretty photos.

    keep up the good work!!

    p.s. sorry for my novel of a comment….but you got me thinkin.

  • CessOviedo July 5, 2011 at 5:24 pm

    Never heard of Candice Olson before her show sounds great, I love fashion as much as I love interiors design, you should share those secrets with us Ali!

    Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

  • lisa July 5, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    "i just stare at people in amazement when they pick up a cardigan and ask me how to wear it (it's a sweater people…you just put it over anything, there's really no secret there)"

    I think the same thing when I get those questions and inquiries, and I'm bewildered by people who get anxiety attacks in clothing stores. Fashion is always such a source of fun for me, it's weird to think that there are people who get so stressed out over it.

  • J'Anns Boutique July 5, 2011 at 5:48 pm

    Me likely your blazer honey 🙂

    A Girl's Next Best Friend

  • Marie a la Mode July 5, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    LOVE your romper! And the color of your blazer. I read this whole post and i think giving out fashion advice is a good idea. Maybe those people who wear socks with sandals WILL read your blog!

  • Kastles July 5, 2011 at 7:09 pm

    Your a cutie! Love that teal on you!
    I hope you had a great weekend!
    <3 Kastles

  • SARA H. July 5, 2011 at 7:30 pm

    I like this post at all! especially last photo so much! You have really nice bag bby!

  • Stephanie Sorensen July 5, 2011 at 9:08 pm

    Like the post! I love reading ones with character so it doesnt seem repetitive, but i always love your photos too!

    Happy tuesday, and have fun with your fashion advice.

    ps I find myself catching Stephen & Chris sometimes or other interior design shows too.

  • Cee July 6, 2011 at 1:33 am

    Ha! You summed up the content of my most of my posts in your first paragraph 🙂 Which is kind of sad, since I have a BFA in creative writing but, well… There's probably a reason I'm not using it for my career and it's mainly that when I sit down to write something, I go blank.

    I digress. That H&M blazer kills me every time. Is it recent? I keep hoping it isn't because then I won't have to be so mad at myself for missing it. It looks just perfect with the blues and reds in your romper- and I love that you're sporting Adam's sunglasses!

  • Prairie Girl in the City July 6, 2011 at 6:22 am

    This colour is beautiful on you! xo

  • Jen July 6, 2011 at 8:47 am

    Heh, you're so cute with your little ramble Alicia. Candice Olsen really inspires me too! Loving how all the brights in your ensemble tie in and show up in the romber. Lovely as usual 🙂


  • Chaucee July 6, 2011 at 9:06 am

    Great romper! I've always wanted to try one.

  • Lucia July 6, 2011 at 2:28 pm

    What a great idea Alicia! Will it be Alicia tells it all? LOL. I love Candice Olson, she is a great designer!

    You outfit is great, I love how you combine the teal blazer with the romper!

  • Jessica Gitler July 6, 2011 at 4:55 pm

    Love the whole post, and yes! I read the whole thing and I'm looking forward to what you have to say one style because I really like yours!! Oh, and I just bought the same blazer from H&M but mine is rose colored though I must say I really love the way you did this green one up!!

  • Alexandra July 6, 2011 at 4:59 pm

    This sounds like a fabulous idea Alicia! I've been so sick lately that I've become one of those people trolling about town in tights and weird old sweaters. Save me.

    I've been going through a weird bout of writers block too…I've gone through periods similar to what you're describing when I feel like I've kind of been going through the motions (though I have to add that it never seems as if you're doing that as your reader, but I can understand feeling that way!), and now as of late I've just been sucked into so many other parts of my life that when I sit down to write I'm just depleted! It's horrible!

    Good for you for taking on this project and I think it's going to be really interesting, informative and fun. And this outfit is gorgeous! Loving all the colours you're wearing lately and you look beautiful as per usual.

    Alex xoxo

  • ses July 6, 2011 at 8:55 pm

    more stories & styling tips? can't wait! keep up the great blog!

  • Flara July 6, 2011 at 10:09 pm

    adore your jacket:), I love this color!!!

  • Huda July 7, 2011 at 12:46 am

    lol, nicely put. In my POV, interior design actually takes a set plan and dare I say mathematical calculation like an architectural design. On the other hand, personal style like being an artist is innate within us, you either have it or you don't. Some are gifted in putting on any outfit and look amazing….while some hire others for the privilege.

    Anyway, love what you are wearing, did not know H&M had such an amazing blazer.

  • laura July 7, 2011 at 7:06 am

    i love the colourful blazer and romper together! and YES…. please save the world from UGGS and tights as pants!!!!!!!!!!! wen i walk around UBC campus, that's what 80% of the girl population (and 5% of the guys?) are wearing…

    be a hero!!!!!


  • moonstruck-expose July 7, 2011 at 7:53 am

    OMg, that romper is beyond cute and love the bag!!! That last photo is so hilarious- i love it! Great outfit post, babe!

    by the way, i've moved from "I Live For It". I recently launched my brand new blog, MOONSTRUCK EXPOSÉ!

    Hope you'll come visit and follow along!

    I'm of course following you from moonstruck now. 😉

    moonstruck exposé

    x. juliana

  • moonstruck-expose July 7, 2011 at 7:53 am

    OMg, that romper is beyond cute and love the bag!!! That last photo is so hilarious- i love it! Great outfit post, babe!

    by the way, i've moved from "I Live For It". I recently launched my brand new blog, MOONSTRUCK EXPOSÉ!

    Hope you'll come visit and follow along!

    I'm of course following you from moonstruck now. 😉

    moonstruck exposé

    x. juliana

  • Sarah July 7, 2011 at 5:18 pm

    So bright and fresh! Loving the colour and pattern mixing you've been doing lately!


  • tina matilde July 7, 2011 at 7:32 pm

    i am totally loving that blazer. and i'm a fan of the stories rather than the typical fashion blogger format and i look forward to your contribution to the world and my styling habits… 🙂

  • It's Strangely Me July 7, 2011 at 9:26 pm

    I LOVE the blazer!
    I was at H & M yesterday, and I was debating on getting a hot pink one similar to that…. sigh.

    I know how you feel, I don't think I tell as many stories because I always feel like I'm gonna lose them with my purposeless ramblings hahaha.


  • Liv July 7, 2011 at 9:44 pm

    love love love that green shade right now. I just bought a burberry prorsum clutch in nearly that exact shade and i love that it goes with everything.

  • mj { a r c h i ♥s m a r y - j a n e } July 8, 2011 at 3:19 am

    I'm looking forward to your tips.

  • Anna July 8, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    This turquoise color is beyond PERFECT on you!!!

    And I love fashion bloggers who tell stories and don't just post their outfits and call it a day. I think it lets us get to know you on a more personal level instead of just what you wear. HAPPY FRIDAY!! xoxo

  • modniza July 8, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    so pretty! love ,love! xooooo

  • Marcela Gmd July 8, 2011 at 5:16 pm

    Me encanta tu estilo!! I like your blog!
    Maybe we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela

  • Stina G July 8, 2011 at 7:22 pm

    "hopefully i can save some people who are wandering around stores still buying uggs and wearing tights as pants and that will be my big contribution to the world"

    HAHAHA. Please do! 🙂

  • megan July 8, 2011 at 8:58 pm

    LOVE the blazer. such a great color, its a great piece for summer.

    i also love candice olsen!! I remember awhile ago she did a teenage boys room with leopard print carpet and i wanted his room so bad!


  • Lynn {hearted girl} July 9, 2011 at 1:41 am

    oh my gosh Alicia, your amazing blazers color matches that of your link highlites. so freakin' cool! it is like zee best shade on you and your romper is darling too. hotchacha, seriously kinda freakin' over this whole look; it's a fooking big up!

    i am ever so grateful for your new epiphany and will be checking these tips/tricks and advisement's out. you will surely save me from many potential fails. um, hug its to you for doing this!!!!! yah, so excited. xo ♥

  • Ashelle July 11, 2011 at 10:21 pm

    Love the outfit and keep up with the stories!

  • Alana July 12, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Alicia! Did you get this blazer recently?! I want it so bad! You look amazing! Love the outfit!

  • Danielle July 12, 2011 at 4:20 pm

    i love the romper paired with the bright blazer! it's a great color on you!