
but don’t you ever ask yourself why the repetition kills you?

July 21, 2010

FINALLY caught up on photos, I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders!!! I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to photograph my outfit every day, I definitely have a new found respect for all the fashion bloggers out there!

Here’s Monday and Tuesday’s outfits:

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Scarf from Plum // Earrings from Forever 21


Tuesday was my fave outfit so far because it reminds me of London. While I was there last June, I was browsing around Carnaby Street and came across a little boutique called Dahlia. It immediately caught my eye with it’s perfect mix of vintage inspired pieces with modern silhouettes. They had floral dresses and polka dot prints, and the most adorable jackets I’ve ever seen! The prices were not ideal for someone who had to factor in a terrible exchange rate, but I knew that this store was where you want to splurge. I bought the white striped dress, as well as the telephone necklace and now I must say, that they are probably my two favourite pieces in my closet right now. I paired them with a mustard yellow vintage Ann Taylor blazer to bring out the yellow stripe in the dress.

Keep an eye out for the Dahlia label, as they do sell their line to other stores such as TopShop. If you’re interested in Dahlia dresses in North America, I have seen a few on ModCloth for a reasonable price (USD).

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Chain Necklace from Plum // Telephone “Hello” Necklace from Dahlia (UK)


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The Black Ghosts – Repitition Kills You

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  • Stephanie Sorensen July 21, 2010 at 5:45 pm

    I love this outfit and loves the different hues of orange! That dress is super cute also!

    I also really like the scarf from Plum!

  • honeysuckle July 21, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    mustard yellow is one of my favorite colors!
    i want your blazer! and i like how you paired it with that chain necklace too. so stylish!

  • Melissa July 21, 2010 at 9:52 pm

    I'm happy you're all caught up. You seemed super stressed yesterday! I always love your outfits but I like Tuesday is one of my favs of yours as well. Mostly I just want your hair though.. I'll trade it for my watch!? 😉

  • nicole July 22, 2010 at 12:47 am

    Blogging is tough; it's like another f/t job! And yeah, I tried to take photos everyday but it's just not possible sometimes, esp when Vancouver has such fickle weather. In the autumn/winter, it's near impossible to take a photo everyday since it rains everyday lol.

    I love both of these outfits! My apologies for not commenting on all your previous outfits, I'm so behind! But I definitely love the colours you've been wearing – very summer-y! I love the vintage mustard yellow blazer. You look gorgeous and like Melissa said, I want your hair. Actually she was willing to trade you for it, but I on the other hand, have nothing to offer hahaha, I just want your hair!

  • nicole July 22, 2010 at 7:26 am

    hey lady! just in case you didn't see my tweet, you won my giveaway for the House of Harlow ring! I will be sending you an email tonight 🙂

    Congratulations! xo

  • Kayla July 22, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    Love the first outfit. And your blog. I'm your newest fab follower!

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  • -L July 22, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    Love that color.. not many can pull that off, but you can totally do it!

  • stylepint July 27, 2010 at 11:39 pm

    Love that mustard blazer! Great outfit! =)