I haven’t been getting any sleep this week and it has definitely caught up to me. I spent all of yesterday thinking that it was Wednesday, but it was in fact still the beginning of the week. So now I feel like I’ve lived through Wednesday twice! Not fun.
I know it’s so important to get a good night sleep, but I just can’t seem to settle down at bed time. That’s when I get all of my energy! I’ve been this way since I was a baby. Maybe I’m just part owl 😛
What do you find helps you sleep? Tea? Counting Sheep? I’m desperate for ideas!!!
Ever since the challenge, I’ve been really good about planning my outfit the night before rather than scrambling around early in the morning. This would make sense for someone like myself who is apparently nocturnal. Although it’s so different dressing with so many articles of clothing and pairs of shoes. It makes the outfit deciding process a lot longer!
This printed top is actually a form fitting knit dress, but I thought I would get a lot more mileage out of it if I could double it as a shirt. This was also my first time wearing the orange sling back kitten heels. I scooped those up at Portobello Market, but with the European sizing confusion I somehow left with a size too small. I squished my feet into them for the whole day at work though! Ahh, the things we do for fashion!
This outfit is so going in my fashion inspiration folder!!! Love!
Try making a short bedtime routine like stretching, drinking some sleepy time tea, and reading a short story I love Roald Dahl's Omnibus!
Hope you get some rest soon 🙂
Reading helps me get to sleep. If you drink tea make sure it's the caffeine free herbal kind 🙂
This is an adorable outfit! I love the colors.
I know what you mean about planning the next outfit. I rarely ever do but sometimes I go to bed just thinking about what I could wear the next day.
Liz, you are sooo sweet! Thanks for the ideas.
Haha Genie, I so would be the silly person drinking caffeinated tea before bed too!!!
Thanks Chaucee 🙂 Glad I'm not the only one!
I love this! It's so weird seeing you in clothes that aren't in the 30 pieces :p
I love those shoes and that top on you btw. You look fantastic xo
take jamieson's relax and sleep. it's a herbal pill that contains cat nip and passion flower mostly i believe. works like a charm. just take one to start, because i took three the first time and i felt like i was hit by a semi-truck.
Ohh so creative with the dress! I was like…what the Jeff!…I recognize that top! 😉
Looks lovely as always!
Lovely outfit! Great blog by the way.
Follow my blog @ http://melrod1206.wordpress.com
I love this outfit on you Alicia! esp how you doubled that dress as a top! I never would have guessed if you hadn't said so. The trousers make for a great neutral to balance out the fun pattern of your top and those orange peep toe flats are so pretty! I don't blame you for squishing your feet into them, I would have done the same! the last photo is my favourite 🙂
I love the bright colors mixed with the khaki!
Also, I'm a big fan of your blog and passed on a little blog award…
articles belle et que c'est le style i ve été toujours à la recherche