
A Spring Fete Floral Crown Class

May 6, 2015

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All photos are by the talented Studio 86

Jennifer Wilson of VONBON made my floral crown dreams come true when she helped host a workshop at Celsia Florist.  As a testament to her loveliness, she also gathered a seriously awesome group of women together to have a full fledged crafternoon.  Something I really don’t make enough time for, but would love to do on a regular basis.  Forget a book club, let’s start a craft club!  Between that and my love for crossword puzzles, sometimes I think I’m 70 at heart.

I had to laugh at the fact that with all these talented, successful business women making floral crowns, we definitely had a room full of perfectionists.  You can just see for yourself how beautiful the results were, I mean Jennifer made an ombre crown!  Pretty sure I had Jo from Celsia make my entire drown for me.  Yeah, I guess I’m THAT student.  I genuinely hadn’t realized how much went into making a real floral crown.  The price point on them is completely justified, let me tell you.  It takes cutting each stem quite short, weaving wire through them (tougher than you think), and taping it together to act as a new mouldable ‘stem’.  That part was time consuming, but then you actually had to attach them onto the crown structure as well!  It was really fun and even slightly therapeutic.  Monika Hobbs wrote a great how-to post about the process here and you must check out Jennifer’s recap of the day here.  I can’t wait to try making a floral crown again on my own, thinking I might just need one for the wedding rehearsal 😉

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  • Rhea Gupte May 7, 2015 at 1:14 am

    These are just so beautiful! Love!!

  • Melanie Liliana May 7, 2015 at 5:49 am

    This looks so beautiful and so much fun!

  • Elisabeth Klassen May 12, 2015 at 7:20 pm

    This is such a cute post.

    Diary of Elegance