The fact that the only other recent photo I have of Adam and I is a blurry iPhone selfie taken in the windblown back row of a mini van says it all. Ten years! I mean, holy smokes. I don’t think I’ve committed to anything for a decade.
A million moons ago, when I was in 8th grade, I made the tough life decision to quit my piano lessons. I was feeling bogged down by school, long hours at the dance centre, gymnastics, skating, the yearbook committee, the school play (I performed a really convincing ‘Boots’ in Newsies. One of my favourite Disney movies, and the film that launched my crush on Christian Bale), volleyball, and those regretful few weeks when I joined the basketball team (until I realized mid-game that I knew nothing about the rules of the game of basketball). High school was also just around the corner and really, did piano up my ‘cool factor’?
I had my usual Wednesday afternoon stomach ache on the way to my piano lesson, filled with extra anxiety as I dread having to say out loud that I wouldn’t be coming back. Sitting in front of her on that stiff and squeaky bench, avoiding eye contact and instead fixating on those ivory keys, I finally spat out that I quit piano. And as if that wasn’t terrible enough for a 13 year old, visibly disappointed, my piano teacher then informed me that I’d quit everything ever for my entire life, because “I was a quitter”. Which, at such a young and fragile age, was downright mean (can you tell I’m still not over it? I’m sure this will all come out to a therapist one day). I feel like looking her up now to be like HA! You were wrong Mrs.B, look at this shining example of something I didn’t quit for 10 years – wow, go me!
Though, I doubt that it would really be as satisfying as it seems. Mostly, I apologize to my husband, for using such a momentous occasion to bring up the traumatizing piano quitting story. It’s just that I have complete word vomit lately. Last week, I met up with someone from a local company I’m collaborating with and though we only spent about 15 minutes together, I managed to ramble for the entire time, confessing unnecessary stories that pertained to the industry and even describe a video I’d watched on Facebook earlier that day. I keep thinking to myself that I needed to stop talking, but the words kept flowing and I left our interaction wishing to forget it. Maybe nervous rambling is better than an awkward silence? Who knows. I digress.
This post was supposed to be about our 10 year anniversary, and damnit, I will stay on track this time! To the point. I know that most people don’t celebrate a dating anniversary once they get married, but truthfully, I love this time of year. April is when I met Adam back in 2007. It’s when I started the blog in 2008. It’s cherry blossom heaven and when the days get warmer and longer. And so selfishly, I insist on celebrating April 25th, the anniversary of our very first date! During our decade together, it was always our idea to re-create that first date this time around. We’d sit up at the bar and tell them our story and we’d all smile and laugh and maybe they’d give us a drink on the house. Of course, that’s not how life works because things rarely go as planned. You’ll have to watch our little date night vlog below for more (includes a little trip down memory lane).
And in case you’re curious as a cat, here’s the story of how we met, the tale of our first date, and my post from last year about what we’ve learned about relationships. Hope you enjoy this little video and happy anniversary to my main squeeze!