
2015 STRONG: Core Workout

March 12, 2015

My core is definitely my biggest ‘problem area’.  I say that only because when I gain weight, it always goes straight to my stomach.  I think they say that it’s a direct result of stress, but knowing that only stresses me out more.  The only solution is to continue on with this awesome #2015STRONG program to strengthen my core are (and possibly take up yoga and/or meditation to chill out).  Meray from My Reward Fitness took Alexandra from To Vogue Or Bust and I through a really great core workout that I know you can all easily do at home, the gym, or even outdoors at any level.  The video is below and to my newsletter subscribers, I’ll get you that email PDF soon.  Hope you all enjoy this routine – I like to think of it as though we’re all one sit up closer to abs 😉 Enjoy!

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  • Дарья Пленкина March 15, 2015 at 9:52 pm

    Great post!
    Take part in the giveaway on my blog !!

  • Diana Cloudlet March 18, 2015 at 12:24 am

    I like this post in your blog: interesting with beautiful photos! You did a great job!
    Can’t wait to see the new one!)

    Diana Cloudlet

  • Maggie A March 22, 2015 at 1:18 pm

    I have a shorter torso also so any weight I gain shows in my love handles before anywhere else. One thing I do wish is that my hair looked as cute while working out. 🙂

    Maggie A